Frequency of Creatine Dosage?

I recently purchased the Kre-Alkalyn creatine pills that have 1.5 grams in two capsules where 1 to 2 pills are a serving size. This product was recommended by the Nutrition store manager when I visited (120 pills for $13). I am only working out about every other day. Do I need to take the pills every day or just on workout days? How much do you think I should take when I am taking it (1 pill, 2 pills, in the morning or right before or after the workout)? How much, if any, on off days? I workout at lunch time for about an hour. I am 5'9" and 150lbs.
If it's your 1st time using Creatine you can get away with consuming it on workout days only and just be sure to track your progress. You may want to start using it on non-workout days down the road if you don't notice anything.

A typical dosage is 2.5g pre-workout 2.5g post-workout OR 5g post-workout.
As long as you stick to the recommended dosage method of rectal insertion/absorption, you'll be fine.


kre-alkalyn is a huge rip off. there's no evidence supporting their claims of buffered creatine working 'better' or being 'more effective'.
hell they themselves make obvious false statements...that 1g of kre-alkalyn is the same as 5g of creatine monohydrate...then state you need 3g of kre-alkalyn per the equivalent of 15g of monohydrate??

wtf? that doesn't sound very efficient to me!

when the Kre runs out, save yourself a ton of money and buy any brand of creatine monohydrate powder. if you can, get a creapure processed creatine, like AtLarge or Optimum Nutrition labels.