Free book for helping out


New member
Hi i am trying to write a motivational book for weight loss and I was wondering what the moment was when you decided you had to lose weight?

Anyone that helps me will receive a free book once it has been published, so please help me!

I remember the first time for me was when I was too out of breath to play with my 4 year old daughter.

Thanks for your help!
There's a few threads on this forum on this topic - but it's really personal information that you're using to pad your pocketbook... and I like to protect our members from people like that...

Since threads should be discussion - discuss this... and my mood sucks today, so i don't mean this as snotty as it sounds...

what makes you think you can write a motivational book? what's your story?
It may be personal information, but as I have experienced from speaking with others who have lost weight, many do like to share their motivational stories with other who were in the position they were once in. In addition, they are telling me their stories anonymously so I am not subjecting their privacy in anyway.

How exactly are you "protecting" the members? I don't believe they need your protection. If they don't want their story in my motivational book they don't have to respond, simple as that.

However I feel that if the people who have lost weight feel as good as I do about dropping the pounds, they would want others who were in their position to have the motivation and hope for change.

Why do I feel I can write a motivational book? Because when my daughter was born and I was to out of shape to even bend down and play with her, or even go to the park with her, I knew I needed to change. I received support from a dear friend who made my weight loss journey much easier and I want to offer the same support and hope I received to others who have been in mine, as well as many other's position.

Hearing stories of success as well as the reasons to change will show others weight loss is not impossible.

You both are partly right but I do agree if a person does not mind telling their story it should be fine ,but if your just taking the information off the forum then that's wrong. I think a book on losing the weight is a good idea...good luck[/FO:seeya:NT]
this is a community first and foremost and you don't seem like you've got any real interest in joining the community... so it doesn't seem right to me...

but the adults on this forum can do as they wish
Gathering 'tales' from people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off, and putting them down in book-format so others can read about them is one thing.

If that's what you're doing, and you're obtaining the 'tales' from people who don't mind sharing and being published... I'm fine with that.

But if you are doing more than that... I'm not ok with that. I like people to be qualified.
I am confused as to why I am being judged here? Sure I have joined this forum recently because I am curious to learn others triumphs and tribulations in their journey towards weight loss. If I have done something wrong by posting in a COMMUNITY MESSAGE BOARD then please forgive me
Oh, and fyi since I'm sure you're wondering what I'm forgiving you for.... it's your inability to make sense of what's happening here.

You even said it yourself... it's a PUBLIC FORUM.

Do you really have that hard of a time understanding that when you post something.... especially when said post is monetarily driven.... you are going to hear various opinions. Some pro, some con.

If you can't accept that fact, I highly suggest not participating in a PUBLIC FORUM.
you aren't being judged - this is a community and as a member of this community and a moderator of the content of this forum, it's my responsiblity, to protect it's members from people who want to exploit their stories... this is a community for which people find support for their challenges with fitness and weight...

your first post wasn't a contribution or an attempt to join the community but to take info and use it for your own purposes...
I want to write a book on how to write books about weight loss.


I do not see why this needs to be such a big deal. I asked a simple question of those members who have been in the same situation as I once was, and their story behind it...SINCE THIS IS A PUBLIC FORUM I SHOULD NOT BE CONDEMNED FOR THIS.

I have asked others for their stories of success, not your opinion on whether they should post their stories or not. I understand you are a moderator, but seriously these people can make up their own mind, so please get off your power trip and stop imposing your "authority" on a public forum.

Why would anyone want to use this forum after they see the way you handle simple posts like this?

QUOTE - "this is a community and as a member of this community and a moderator of the content of this forum, it's my responsiblity, to protect it's members from people who want to exploit their stories..."

Don't you think the people are more than capable of protecting themselves from my "exploitation" attempts?
what can i say, I'm an evil facist who doesnt think people can think for themselves and i have to do it for them... they are my puppets and sometimes do my bidding, sometimes.. not often enough.. .

I like my power trip -it helps burn calories.. :D
I prefer USSR but I suppose that shows my age...