Forum Collective Energy/Prayer this friday


I am not a religious person much in the least. Sure, I say OMG when I see a beautful woman with a stunning rack....and I thank G-d for each pound I'm able to shed off my body....but I'm not reading from the bible nor do I whole-heartedly subscribe to any absolute religion. This concludes my jovial intro paragraph.

I'm not sure how it is we all got here and I'm fairly certain we're never given any absolute information....but I do believe to some extent that people can focus, bring energy together and somehow affect things.

One of our highly respected forum members is scheduled to undergo surgery this coming friday. His name is Richard, he post as g8r80. I don't really know him terribly well, but he always post constructive information...he attacks nobody, has a great sense of humor and I just sense he's a great guy. His surgery is relatively routine, safe and low-risk...but it is open-chest and involves his heart. He will be fine.

Just the same, his surgery is scheduled to this friday at 9am. I'm asking you all to please wake-up this friday and find the time to think of him with warm wishes. Visualize his posting after the surgery with great results. It can't hurt and it can only help.

Richard....just know as you go into surgery that we will be thinking of you.

Please do not ask for details about his proceedure. Please do not rep anyone for this thread. This is about Richard. Just think & wish well for him this friday. Pray, think, toast, send positive energy....whatever it is you do, please do it. OMG, I finally found an opportunity to use this smiley face: :newangel::newangel::newangel:
I will be wishing him well all week, and especially this Friday.

Thank you for rallying the forum members like this. A little positive though can bring a great deal of good.
g8 is a great guy, excellent asset to the forum

I will be at the beach during that team, but i will for sure be wishing him a speedy recovery!
Keep thinking positive things g8r80, I'll be thinking of you

BTW, what time zone are you in? I think 9am Friday is about 2pm in the UK?
I don't want to be sending you all that positive energy 5 hours early, it might give you a boner and you could have a heart attack!!

I hope that made you smile, if not then sorry for the really bad taste and good luck :)
I'm sure everything will go well and Richard will be back in the saddle quickly.

Will be thinking of you this friday morning. I would imagine this is quite a nerve racking experience. Just remember we are all pulling for you and we are all here for you.

Looking forward to your posts as soon as you are able to get back on.
You will be in my thoughts Richard. Won't be long and you will be back in full swing, better than ever.
oh gee whiz.... if I have to!

try not to flirt with the nurses in front of your wife, and you just may live thru this.......................


God's Speed
Beyond the boundaries: You are Just Unlocking Your Potential

Beyond the Boundaries: You Are Just Unlocking Your Potential

Diligent and uniquely developed, the human body has a unique way of wanting a person's true power revealed.

This can be heart stirring and release valuable information from the inside.

This is only reserved for the best.

The secrets are revealed after you are healed

Behold the power and performance of your newly developed personal services:


Exclusively refined and miraculously developed by your own heart

"Do Not Mourn, a Star Will Be Reborn."

1. You will be gloriously gifted.

2. You will be fiercly incredible.

3. You will be increasingly immeasurable.

4. You will be geniously gutsy.

5. You will be genuinely heroic

6. You will be amazingly inspired

7. You will be masterfully intelligent

Experience The Heartwarming Thrill............Of Unlocking Your Personal Potential--and--Upgrading your Future!

From my heart to yours,

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It's Friday........See ya come 'round the Dark Side of the Moon Gr8

(For those of you who don't quite get that phrase....when the lunar module passed behind the moon radio communication was not possible and so the astronauts were unable to communicate with us. The controllers at the Cape said to them, catch ya come 'round the darkside.....and I might add that Pink Floyd incorporated this phrase into some of thier lyrics)
"pulling" for ya bro! DANG!!! I can almost hear the CRACK as they break his chest plate open!!!!

Oh man!

this is one tuff cookie.
I just watched "Awake" last night. :eek: I hope Richard did not see that one. Recovery starts today!