Some of this to could be proven, I dunno, I'm just saying what I believe and common sense tells me without having to try to find some studies that back it up.
If you want to be good at deccelleration you don't have to do eccentric movements slowly, that will make you able to deccellerate slowly, you want to be able to do it quickly, thus, doing the eccentric fast and being able to stop the movement just in time and convert it into a concentric movement is the way to go as this will teach you to deccellerate a movement fast, something you need in sports.
There is more experience in training than there is modern science. People have been weight training longer than modern science have been around thus we must not forget the importance of what years of experience has told us works. If a scientific study says to do one thing, but your experience tells you that another way is more efficient, then follow your experience. modern science is an excellent tool, but it must be used together with experience.
I say "modern science" because otherwise someone would come and argue that looking at what people have done before or looking at what you have done before and drawing conclusions is what science is, this is not what I mean, I mean scientific studies and all that crap
Agree with the over training part, G! Though I think it is possible you train yourself into the ground, it will depend on your fitness level and over training is hard, you would probably have to train harder than you would be mentally able to. I've been hitting the gym for 2 hours 3 times a week these last few weeks. all moves are compounds. here is an example day (I don't take the percentages too seriously, if it is 3 reps, I do what I can for 3 reps, etc)
Day 3
Snatch From Knee 80% 3r, 85% 2r, 80% 2r x 2s
Clean & Jerk 80%[2+1], 85%[1+2], 85%[2+1], 80%[1+2]
Snatch Pull 80% 3r, 90% 2r, 85% 2r, 80% 3r x 2s, 80% 2r x 2s
Front Squat 80% 3r, 90% 2r, 85% 2r, 90% 2r, 85% 2r, 80% 3r x 2s
Good Morning 80% 3r, 85% 2r x 3s, 80% 2r x 2s
Bent over row
Bench press
A lot of big compounds.
also, every time I have been designing my own routine, everyone has told me that it has too much and I will crash and burn. that is yet to happen
At a higher bodyfat percentage your body will gain muscle more easily. the reason being that the body is relaxing in terms of fat gain. as we know, the body wants to add fat to be able to survive if harsh times comes a long. when you have a higher BF% your body doesn't have to worry too much about that and can thus focus more on adding muscle.