Cohen's Lifestyle For those who are struggling..

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle


New member
This thread is for motivating those who are struggling on Cohen's -- Keep strong buddies!!!!

For everyone that was/is/will be on a plateau -- DON'T get demotivated! :gnorsi:

"When you get to a plateau, think of it as a landing on the stairway to your goal. And maintenance is a lifelong plateau, so a bit of "rehearsal" for maintenance isn't the worst thing in the world."

You'll soon pass it and drop again in no time! :party:

"Discipline is remembering what you want."

"Do you choose to simply know the path, or do you choose to walk it?"

Anyone wanna add more motivational quotes that mean something to you, feel free :)

Sorry in advance if a thread like this is already created.

Keep well,
Good idea, LuvBug!

We only get hung up on a plateau if we are hung up on the scale.

If we are fixed on good health, good eating and good habits, then the weight will take care of itself.

Look at the tape measure, look at the tape measure, look at the tape measure!

Our health is largely the accumulated small choices we make day by day, so make every choice and every calorie a good one!
I agree with the statement of look at the tape measure. The weight doesnt matter to me as long as the tape is nice. Im trying to get to that all famous 36-24-36 lol. I shall attain this goal.

Stay motivated and even when you fall off and are having trouble getting back on dont give up. Its hard. Im going through it right now but it will get better and easier. Take it a day at a time and if you keep falling off just remember continue drinking the water and start again.
Even though I fall off. I do my best to drink all the water atleast.
No Stage is anywhere worse than nearing the end

The first phase of Cohen is relatively easy. As far as possible, don't give any reason to yourself to deviate. Deviation is really as far as possible a personal choice issue. My 2 deviation happened because I was on a trip as well as on official duties and that's only 2 meals! There were other times I was tempted to deviate buy hey, look back at where I came from, I'm happy to hold on to the programme and I know at times when it is difficult, just take one meal at a time.

Nowhere in the first phase is it worse towards the end like now...2 kg from ordering refeed! Hunger pangs set in, back aches are killing me, hair falling off. Oh well, still I hang on... I owe myself an answer to my body which I've abused for many years. No one can make deviation happen if WE DON'T WANT IT TO HAPPEN. So remember this folks, you HAVE THE CHOICE!:grouphug: