For my


New member
Ok so my wife has been doing great losing weight and I'm so proud of her. Here's her biggest issue...her problem areas she is considering surgery because she doesn't think exercise will help...
Back fat, belly sag(she's had a baby 2 yrs ago), and a neck hump due to poor posture and overly large breasts. Now the breast reduction is a definite, but what about the other things? Can she get rid of those areas with exercise and proper nutrition? She feels that because she thinks she's big boned she'll never be as skinny as she would like...Is this also true? I just want to support her in the right decisions and avoid surgery if at all possible...also if anyone has had similar setbacks and over came those I would love to see how u did it as well as pics of the results...
Everyone can lose weight. It's simple math. Calories Consumed - Calories Burned = Total Calories

If total calories is negative then you will lose weight. It's the same for everyone!

If she eats healthy, and exercises consistently she can lose weight!
Suggestion for wife

If she is in try of losing his weight by doing such a great exercises she should, first of all have to sleep well at time, and get up early, and then she should have to drink 4-8 glass of water daily, she has to take exercise daily and has to take less food of less calories.
As Snezy said, anyone can lose weight. However, without knowing particulars, it can be hard to recommend any thing.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess she doesn't do much weight training? If that's the case, doing core work may help with back issues a little. And if she is new to weight training, she's basically assured of putting on a little muscle automatically, which can help tighten things up a little (apparently. I'm no trainer and have no experience on the matter, just sharing things I've heard).

There's a blogger who is documenting her progress with her FUPA over here:
which may or may not provide some inspiration towards sticking it out before getting surgery.
it can be done by healthy eating and exercise
there are thousands on toning exercises, and other gadgets.
i think its impotant to think about the end outcome too.
i find that alot of people think they should only do cardio to lose weight but infact resistance training and weights are really good too its just about balancing it out.
maybe yoga would help with posture too.
hope this helps x
Ok so my wife has been doing great losing weight and I'm so proud of her. Here's her biggest issue...her problem areas she is considering surgery because she doesn't think exercise will help...
Back fat, belly sag(she's had a baby 2 yrs ago), and a neck hump due to poor posture and overly large breasts. Now the breast reduction is a definite, but what about the other things? Can she get rid of those areas with exercise and proper nutrition? She feels that because she thinks she's big boned she'll never be as skinny as she would like...Is this also true? I just want to support her in the right decisions and avoid surgery if at all possible...also if anyone has had similar setbacks and over came those I would love to see how u did it as well as pics of the results...
Let her read this!
If you want to lose weight you need to:
1. Make decision – if you don’t know what do you want you are not going to get it.
2. Put a time frame – sometimes takes a bit longer but if you don’t do it will never happen.
3. Have a final goal - you have to know your final destination.
4. Eat 6 small meals every day – every time when you eat your body is working harder. Otherwise your body is on a mute mode.
5. Do some cardio 3 to 4 times per week – Your blood has to move around. So you can supply nutrients and oxygen enough and at the same time flash the waste out faster.
6. Start lifting weights – more muscle mass, less fat.
7. Drink water (hot water) – I don’t even need to say why. It’s vital.
8. Detoxification – If your liver is a bit messed up which is the case with overweight people, you will have to clean it. Liver is the only organ which breaks fat.

Detoxification is the key!

There is a great book for those who are struggling with excess fat "The pH Miracle" by Ph. Robert Young.

P.S.The neck bump is the same thing like cellulite. It's next to the lymph nodes. It happens when you produce more estrogen due to pregnancy.
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Detoxification is the key!

No, it's not. It's complete and utter nonsense. You can't clean your liver, it is perfectly capable to do that on its own.

Detox for weight loss is a myth which has been disproven so often it's not even funny anymore.

Clean food and enough hydration is all your body needs to get rid of everything that shouldn't be in there. 'Detoxing' as a means of weight loss is useless at best, and dangerous at worst.

And to the OP: Listen to snezy and FatLazyGuy, they are spot on.
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I am a new mom of my second child so I can relate to alot of the issues that your wife is having. She is only 2 years postpartum - she will need to give it a little time. Surgery is very risky and in my opinion not worth it. Unless it is loose skin (which is very thin and not full of fat) surgery won't really help. She needs to change her lifestyle so that she can maintain her weight loss when she reaches her goals. The neck hump can totally be reversed with exercise and is very common in new moms especially if they breastfeed. It will take time and dedication but it is totally worth it!
Can she start an account on here? We could talk if she likes. :)