Footballs almost here!!!

Yhea buddy, football 2-a-days start august 4th, and I'm kickin it into high gear.

Couple of quick questions.

I've been working on my explosive/sprint training. Ive been doing a routine of sprints with a 20 lb. weight vest on. Here's what it looks like
6x20 mtrs.
1x100 or 110 mtrs.
All these have a long break between to get as much energy possible back.

Then I started to realize that Im losing my endurance muscles. So I'm starting a circuit in which I jog 1-2 400's with a vest, then run 2 sets of bleachers w/ vest.

Plus I'm doing an agility day where I run W-Drills, Box drills, lots of jumping rope (including a time where I wear two vests (40 lbs.) and jump) and some other stuff like shuffling, karaoka, speed ladders.

WEll.... what I'm asking is, Will this alternating of training methods help all aspects or will they override each other and will I lose everything I did the day before?

As for lifting, I'm still goin hard. Usually do Bench, Dcl Bench, Dips, DB Bench, Push ups, (sometimes throw in some other excersizes such as lat pulls, bicep curls, hammer curls, bent over rows and chest pulls.)

Any advice on this, or anything else I may need for football would be greatly appreciated.

what position do you play, or planning on playing? Depending on where you are, that's an awful lot of chest work you're doing. I'd maybe advise exchanging incline presses instead of decline because it's more specific in play (you usually push up, rather than down)

Also, again, it depends on what position you play to determine if mixing sprint and endurnace with not prove effective, however I've only seen this when there's TOO much endurance, and not enough sprint. Interval training is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.
I'm going to be playing Middle Linebacker, or since our Def. might be changing, then I'll play Will Linebacker (Weak Inside LB).

To explain the chest work.
Bench- 180

I have decent leg strength, but my chest is really lacking.
Now I'm not saying that I'm only working my upper body, I love to work out my legs, but they aren't getting as much focus right now, because I'm a smaller guy that's going to Varsity MLB.

As for the DCL bench, I do that because I can't do dips very well for some reason. It really hurts my shoulders. = /

Wt- 155
Ht- 5'7
40 yd dash- 5.08 (dropped from a 6.2 to a 5.08 in half a year)
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You talking about American football? Because man that **** sucks! Americans are totally on there own with sports and are only good at things that they invented them selfs.
You talking about American football? Because man that **** sucks! Americans are totally on there own with sports and are only good at things that they invented them selfs.

You're kidding, right? Let's see, American invented sports off the top of my head:Football (not futbol), baseball, basketball, volleyball, and lacrosse. I guess that's not too bad of a list to be a good at.

But let's see...who's good at other sports that aren't of American origin-Muhammad Ali, Lance Armstrong, Craig Smith, Dan John, Tiger Woods, Michael Phelps, etc etc etc

I really can't believe you would make an ignorant and hating statement that Americans are only good at sports that we invented ourselves.

p.s. You might try contributing to the thread instead of bashing the guys sport.

I checked out that workout for "Skinny Bastards", and it looks kinda promising, although I dont understand the max reps of 5

Am I supposed to do like 5x1@165, 5x1@175, 5x1@185 untill I cant go any higher or what?
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Seriously, If you don't like my sport then shut up and get the hell out. It's ignorant people like you that spark fueds between people based on simple stuff that doesn't even matter.


I checked out that workout for "Skinny Bastards", and it looks kinda promising, although I dont understand the max reps of 5

Am I supposed to do like 5x1@165, 5x1@175, 5x1@185 untill I cant go any higher or what?

Please don't respond with a "shut up and get the hell out." It does nothing but fuel an argument that mods have to come in and babysit. Just ignore comments that are inflammatory in nature. Or respond a bit better than you did.

The 3-5RM means that over the course of 6-8 sets you'll work up to a 3 or 5 rep max. So, for example, if your 5RM on squat is 315, you'd do something like 95X5, 135X5, 185X5, 225X5, 275X5, 315X5 (that's just an example. You can take more sets than provided in the example and take smaller jumps in weight.)
lol fare enough...i guess what i was trying to say is that America sucks at sport compared to its population. By invented football you mean the most popular game in the world? because if you mean that i dont think they did. People have been kicking a ball around into two goals since like ancient days. but really no one els but America likes grid iron. Here in Australia its considered to be a game for ****ys and its funny how every one considers it to be a hardcore game over there. They basically need to just take of the armor crap they wear.
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The reason we wear "armor" over here is because the guys over here are not boys, they are men. If you have ever been hit by one of these guys you would WANT pads and a helmet. I'll admit that rugby is a cool game, but I seriously doubt that those guys are near as atheletic as the guys here.
Does America even have a rugby team :confused:

Yep., just not any national teams
As for arguing more on who's sport is better, I choose not to anymore. It's obvious that its a matter of choice, which means I wont be able to persuade you towards my sport the same as you cant persuade me that your game is better.
Doesent america play grid iron on its own? it kind of speaks for itself if every other country in the world thinks its crap and doesent play it. I would say its more recreational and seen as the cool thing to play then any thing. tons of countrys play rugby.....nationally.
Doesent america play grid iron on its own? it kind of speaks for itself if every other country in the world thinks its crap and doesent play it. I would say its more recreational and seen as the cool thing to play then any thing. tons of countrys play rugby.....nationally.

Well, that's your opinion. American football is by far the biggest sport in states and is growing in popularity in western Europe.

You think it's crap because most of the world doesn't have national team? I'd say it's fair to say the majority of nations in this world do not have national rugby teams either. So, does that make it crap? Soccer is by far the most popular sport through tradition and the fact that even nations sunk deep into poverty can play with it with a ball and feet.

Do you think that is a ****y kangaroo boy?
Like all major western type country's have national rugby teams.

There's 30 countries and the United States is one of them. Strange though... nobody seems to know when the events are or seems to care.

Listen, I've played rugby and loved it. A bunch of friends (mates) play on my university's team. I respect the game. Obviously, you don't respect America's "new" pasttime. That's fine but if you have a problem with a sport that dwarfs all except soccer...
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