Football (soccer)

Ok so i want to improve my running on the field. I think naturally im a really good sprinter i can run fast i think i did 100m in like 13-14 seconds but im really unfit and i feel i can get around 11seconds as my dad got 11 when he was younger. I want to aim to get that. Also im naturally not good at long distance so my endurance/stamina (i think there the words) are **** basically so i get tired on the pitch pretty quick. I would really appreicate some tips on "Football(soccer) match fitness training" and some slight tips on "Sprinting improvement and long distance" If possible??

Thanks in advance! :)
To get match fit, you can only do by playing games. The term "match fit" is regarding everything - not just running, but the stops, the turns, the tackles, the changes of speed, the elbows into the jaw... Its preparation for everything and seeing how it takes its toll on you.

To get fit in general - I'd try my luck at laying down cones every 50m on a 400m running track, then jog, glide (3/4 pace), sprint, glide, jog.... through them until you can no further...

That'll get you upto speed quickly.
Thanks for the great response mate. If i set this track up how many times do you think i should do this?
Is this like an every day thing? or how many times a week?