Foot Injury

I'll cut right to the chase, so - occasionally, when I run, or if I'm doing calf raises, I'll experience a sudden "shock" of pain through my left foot. It's right down the center of my foot, in the arch, towards the right (inside) of my foot. Any idea what this could be caused by?
Could be a number of reasons - microfractures in your foot, a pinched nerve, an old injury acting up, pedal damage due to unsupported arches. You should get an X-Ray done if this happens more than a couple of times.

I once got a shot-put to the foot in high school. It still hurts from time to time.
SnapThat said:
I'll cut right to the chase, so - occasionally, when I run, or if I'm doing calf raises, I'll experience a sudden "shock" of pain through my left foot. It's right down the center of my foot, in the arch, towards the right (inside) of my foot. Any idea what this could be caused by?

Its called plantar fasciitis. Had it once. Normally caused by poor arch support and tight shoes. I had shifted to ellipticals at that point of time and the pain went away.
Thanks for the help and I looked up plantar fasciitis. It seems highly likely that it is that, since almost all of the symptoms fit. However, if this only pops up once a month or so, is it necessary to seek any form of treatment (aside from, perhaps, stretching my calves more)?
I did get an X-ray done and the doc just suggested that I get some nice sneakers with excellent arch support. Earlier I used to run in an old new balance sneaker. Later I got a nice nike shox which I find very comfy. Since then I have not felt any pain as of yet.
Always nice to hear our replies justified by professionals :)