Sport Foods to help detox

Sport Fitness
Hey everyone.

I am new to this forum and I figured i'd ask a quick question:

I am wondering what i can use to detox my body. Not from drugs or booze..but from regular Toxins.

I used to work out a long time ago and kept a lot of mass, but as I am getting older, I want to get healthy. I want to detox my body before i start any excercise program. My goal is to lose 25 pounds by the end of October because that is when my checkup is scheduled and i kinda want a before and after. (October would be the after.) I am 6'0 and weigh 225 now. I am looking to build stamina and loose some of this fat after detoxing..any pointers?
Wild oregano oil, cumin, parsley, beet, lemon, cabbage, kale

Keep in mind that cooking the vegetables can cause tehm to lose their properties for what you're looking for.
that's nearly 3lbs per week, since end of october is only about 8-9weeks away.

lots of water. need water to help flush kidneys of the impurities they'll be filtering in.
and water = good. 1 gallon a day as a minimum.