Foods/drinks/oils that help with metabolism


New member
I've been browsing the web trying to put together a good list of foods/drinks/oils that help boost metabolism, while at the same time making sure there is some kind of evidence to support the claims. (Obviously the studies themselves are open to debate) Also keep in mind that eating something that boosts your metabolism isn't gonna make the fat melt away, or make it ok to have 4 slices of pizza right afterwards (I've seen a guy trying to loose weight devour pizza but swore up and down it was ok because he was having tea with it -_-;; )

Anywho, just keep in mind that one shouldn't rely on these for their diet, merely use them to compliment it.

So here's the list, as well as links;

Red Peppers
Black Pepper / Ginger / Mustard
Omega-3 rich food (flaxseed/fish/nuts)
****Additional list showing foods highest in Omega-3;

Calcium (No, not Ice Cream))
Obviously Calcium and Dairy have a habit of going in hand in hand, unfortunately, Dairy and Fat have that same habit. Non-dairy foods with Calcium include Beans, Tofu, Broccoli, Spinach, and Bone-in-Fish

Coffee (obviously not loaded with sugar and creme)
Green Tea (I already know people are gonna start arguing over this one, also, sugar free)


The whole point of this is to try to create an accurate list of foods that do, in fact (or at the very least have a study supporting) boost your metabolism. Feel free to add to it or pick it apart, just have some evidence backing it if possible. There's other foods I wanted to add; grapefruit and turkey for example, but couldn't find any legitimate information backing that these foods actually boost your metabolism besides hearsay and articles lacking citation.

Commence arguing! :willy_nilly:
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Why not do both? :biggrinjester:
Yes all steps to reduce our weight should be taken. Exercises, walking and limitation in food is very good for health.
Hi Husker…how are you? This is an awesome list that you have created and I am going to store it on my PC, to keep in mind the foods that I should be eating as I tend to eat a lot of junk Indian food like wada pau and samosa – I just love ‘em…but I know that they are bad for me
Improving food habit is too important for maintaining healthy weight. If we start to recognize the unhealthy foods and can limit their consumption to a very minimum level, we can certainly stop weight gain if can't reduce significantly.

As soon as I restricted eating high cheese burgers and pizzas to only once in two months, the unstoppable surge in weight took a back gear. At least now I can do light exercises and try to reduce weight.
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Thanks for sharing this list!!!all measures to reduce our weight needs to be taken. Exercises, restriction and walk in food is quite good for health.
Great list.

Started cooking with avocado or coconut oil. Much better than the easy to access oils out there.
Only if you drink green tea in place of regular Coke.

I agree entirely, it's not a miracle plant that will solve everything like some people here think (cures cancer...I'm still laughing at that)