Weight-Loss Food without calorie listings?



New member
This is a question for calorie counters (past or present)- how do you account for food where there's no indication of how many calories are in it? I'm not talking about eating out here, where you can probably estimate- I'm talking about buying something at a supermarket that has no nutritional information, and searching the internet and coming up with nothing (or wildly contradictory information).

This specific instance is herbal and white tea. I know black and green tea are calorie free, so I'd presume white tea is as well, but other flavoured teas I've had haven't been (Twinings peppermint and fruit teas are supposed to be 6 calories/ 300ml). The store I bought it from (Marks and Spencer Simply Food) doesn't have a website and I've googled it and alternatives and come up with little. (The one I'm drinking at the moment is white and raspberry tea, which I struggle to believe is completely calorie free, but I have absolutely nothing to go on here)
I avoid them. I have been eyeing up a flap jack bar at the shops but as it doesnt show the calorie contents i avoid them.

calorie content of rasberry tea<----

Just search up "how many calories are in _______? <-----whatever you want to find out