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Slim-down secret: Eat delicious, satisfying food
Foods high in fiber and water fill you up, so you won't be tempted to eat as much. Nutritionist Joy Bauer tells you what to include in a healthy diet plan
Today show
Updated: 12:31 a.m. ET May 18, 2006
Sure, there’s a whole host of “no” foods that you have to avoid when dieting, but there’s also many “yes” foods that actually help you lose weight. In part three of our special series, “Summer Slim-down Guide,” nutritionist Joy Bauer tells you about foods that fill you up, so you won’t be tempted to eat as much. Bauer was invited on “Today” to tell you about her strategy for helping you reach your diet goals and be ready for swimsuit season this summer. Here are her top choices for foods that you should include in your weight-loss plan:
Both types of fiber, insoluble and soluble, can help your weight-loss efforts.
Insoluble Fiber: provides volume to food without adding a lot of calories. Foods rich in insoluble fiber include high-fiber cereal, 100% whole wheat bread, wheat bran, fruits, and vegetables.
Soluble Fiber: helps stabilize your blood sugar levels, which in turn help you better control your hunger and cravings. This type of fiber also slows down the transit time of food in your gut, so you are fuller for a longer period of time. Foods rich in soluble fiber include strawberries, apples, pears, oatmeal, chickpeas, and beans.
Juicy foods:
Fruits and veggies with a high water content “built into the food” helps to fill you up, so you’ll eat less collectively throughout the day. Go for watermelon, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, grapefruit, and cantaloupe.
Lean protein:
Protein can slightly rev up your metabolism after ingestion (more so than carbohydrates and fat). Be sure to include some lean protein with every meal. Good sources include chicken breast, canned light tuna, wild salmon, egg whites, crab, shrimp, turkey breast, tofu, lean red meat, low-fat dairy products, beans, and lentils.
Diary foods:
The jury is still out, but some evidence shows that dairy foods may help promote weight loss. Stick with low-fat or nonfat varieties. Calcium also helps you maintain strong bones, protect your colon, and manage your blood pressure. Top choices include nonfat yogurt, nonfat and low-fat cheese, and skim milk.
Foods that make you work:
People eat less, when the foods require a bit of work. For example, buy whole peanuts instead of unshelled ones, and prepare soybeans in their pods instead of just the beans.
Sugarless gum:
Contrary to what many people think, sugarless gum does not stimulate your appetite. In fact, it’s a great way to satiate a flavor fix and prevent you from popping something caloric in your mouth. Keep a pack of sugarless gum on hand (or a pack of mints).
Hot beverages:
Sipping a hot, low-cal beverage is a great way to stave off extra calories when you’re looking to eat out of pure boredom. And because they’re hot, you’ll have to slowly sip them over an extended period of time. Choose beverages under 100-calories, such as green and herbal teas, diet hot cocoa, skim latte and cappuccino, and reduced sodium bouillon.
Spicy food and capsaicin:
Research shows that you’re often satisfied eating less food when the meal is spicy hot. Plus, you automatically eat slower and drink more water! If your taste buds can handle the heat, add chili peppers, hot sauce, and salsa to your meals.
Pre-portioned snacks:
There’s no chance of overeating when you only have one portion in front of you. Try the following single-serving snacks when you want something fun to eat: Skinny Cow frozen desserts, Jolly Time’s Healthy Pop microwave popcorn, Nature Valley granola bars, Pria bars, Tootsie Pop lollipops, and Swiss Miss fat-free pudding.
For more information on healthy eating, visit nutrition expert Joy Bauer’s Web site at
© 2006 MSNBC Interactive
Foods high in fiber and water fill you up, so you won't be tempted to eat as much. Nutritionist Joy Bauer tells you what to include in a healthy diet plan
Today show
Updated: 12:31 a.m. ET May 18, 2006
Sure, there’s a whole host of “no” foods that you have to avoid when dieting, but there’s also many “yes” foods that actually help you lose weight. In part three of our special series, “Summer Slim-down Guide,” nutritionist Joy Bauer tells you about foods that fill you up, so you won’t be tempted to eat as much. Bauer was invited on “Today” to tell you about her strategy for helping you reach your diet goals and be ready for swimsuit season this summer. Here are her top choices for foods that you should include in your weight-loss plan:
Both types of fiber, insoluble and soluble, can help your weight-loss efforts.
Insoluble Fiber: provides volume to food without adding a lot of calories. Foods rich in insoluble fiber include high-fiber cereal, 100% whole wheat bread, wheat bran, fruits, and vegetables.
Soluble Fiber: helps stabilize your blood sugar levels, which in turn help you better control your hunger and cravings. This type of fiber also slows down the transit time of food in your gut, so you are fuller for a longer period of time. Foods rich in soluble fiber include strawberries, apples, pears, oatmeal, chickpeas, and beans.
Juicy foods:
Fruits and veggies with a high water content “built into the food” helps to fill you up, so you’ll eat less collectively throughout the day. Go for watermelon, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, grapefruit, and cantaloupe.
Lean protein:
Protein can slightly rev up your metabolism after ingestion (more so than carbohydrates and fat). Be sure to include some lean protein with every meal. Good sources include chicken breast, canned light tuna, wild salmon, egg whites, crab, shrimp, turkey breast, tofu, lean red meat, low-fat dairy products, beans, and lentils.
Diary foods:
The jury is still out, but some evidence shows that dairy foods may help promote weight loss. Stick with low-fat or nonfat varieties. Calcium also helps you maintain strong bones, protect your colon, and manage your blood pressure. Top choices include nonfat yogurt, nonfat and low-fat cheese, and skim milk.
Foods that make you work:
People eat less, when the foods require a bit of work. For example, buy whole peanuts instead of unshelled ones, and prepare soybeans in their pods instead of just the beans.
Sugarless gum:
Contrary to what many people think, sugarless gum does not stimulate your appetite. In fact, it’s a great way to satiate a flavor fix and prevent you from popping something caloric in your mouth. Keep a pack of sugarless gum on hand (or a pack of mints).
Hot beverages:
Sipping a hot, low-cal beverage is a great way to stave off extra calories when you’re looking to eat out of pure boredom. And because they’re hot, you’ll have to slowly sip them over an extended period of time. Choose beverages under 100-calories, such as green and herbal teas, diet hot cocoa, skim latte and cappuccino, and reduced sodium bouillon.
Spicy food and capsaicin:
Research shows that you’re often satisfied eating less food when the meal is spicy hot. Plus, you automatically eat slower and drink more water! If your taste buds can handle the heat, add chili peppers, hot sauce, and salsa to your meals.
Pre-portioned snacks:
There’s no chance of overeating when you only have one portion in front of you. Try the following single-serving snacks when you want something fun to eat: Skinny Cow frozen desserts, Jolly Time’s Healthy Pop microwave popcorn, Nature Valley granola bars, Pria bars, Tootsie Pop lollipops, and Swiss Miss fat-free pudding.
For more information on healthy eating, visit nutrition expert Joy Bauer’s Web site at
© 2006 MSNBC Interactive