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Replace: Milk => Almond Milk
- Regular milk has 6x more sugar per serving than almond milk
Replace: Processed Peanut Butter => Almond Butter
- Processed peanut butter contains hydrogenated vegetable oils and added sugars
Replace: Potato Chips => Air-Popped Popcorn
- air-popped popcorn has 9x less saturated fat and has 1/3 fewer calories per serving
Replace: Bread Crumbs => Chia Seeds
- Chia seeds have 19x more fiber, 2x more protein and contain 35x less sodium than bread crumbs
Replace: Mayo => Mustard
- Mayo contains sugar and saturated fat. Mustard has neither.
Replace: Croutons => Almonds
- Almonds have 2x the protein, 3x the fiber and 1/3 of the carbs of croutons
Replace: Sugar => Stevia
- Stevia is all natural and has zero calories, carbs or sugar
Replace: Sour Cream => Greek Yogurt
- Sour cream has 227% more calories and 450% less protein than Greek yogurt
Replace: Soda => Tea
- A can of soda contains over 8 teaspoons of sugar. Tea has no sugar and contains antioxidants
Replace: Juice => Water
Juice has nearly as much sugar per ounce as soda
Replace: Ranch => EVOO+Balsamic
- Ranch dressing has over 20 ingredients (including MSG), many of which you can't pronounce
Replace: Sports Drink => Coconut Water
- Coconut water has less than 1/2 of the sugar and over 16x the potassium of sports drinks
Replace: Salt => Himalayan Crystal Salt
- Himalayan crystal salt contains minerals and trace elements in their unprocessed, natural form
Replace: Rice => Quinoa
- Quinoa has 150% more fiber and 100% more protein than white rice
Replace: Iceberg Lettuce => Romaine
- Compared to iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce has over 17x the vitamin A and over 4x the vitamin K
Replace: Flour => Coconut Flour
- Coconut flour has fewer carbs and 11x the fiber levels of regular white flour
Replace: Vegetable Oil => Coconut Oil
- About 66% of the fat in coconut oil is medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which have been shown to support weight loss
Replace: Chocolate Chips => Cacao Nibs
- Cacao nibs have no sugar and over 5x the fiber of regular chocolate chips
Replace: Milk => Almond Milk
- Regular milk has 6x more sugar per serving than almond milk
Replace: Processed Peanut Butter => Almond Butter
- Processed peanut butter contains hydrogenated vegetable oils and added sugars
Replace: Potato Chips => Air-Popped Popcorn
- air-popped popcorn has 9x less saturated fat and has 1/3 fewer calories per serving
Replace: Bread Crumbs => Chia Seeds
- Chia seeds have 19x more fiber, 2x more protein and contain 35x less sodium than bread crumbs
Replace: Mayo => Mustard
- Mayo contains sugar and saturated fat. Mustard has neither.
Replace: Croutons => Almonds
- Almonds have 2x the protein, 3x the fiber and 1/3 of the carbs of croutons
Replace: Sugar => Stevia
- Stevia is all natural and has zero calories, carbs or sugar
Replace: Sour Cream => Greek Yogurt
- Sour cream has 227% more calories and 450% less protein than Greek yogurt
Replace: Soda => Tea
- A can of soda contains over 8 teaspoons of sugar. Tea has no sugar and contains antioxidants
Replace: Juice => Water
Juice has nearly as much sugar per ounce as soda
Replace: Ranch => EVOO+Balsamic
- Ranch dressing has over 20 ingredients (including MSG), many of which you can't pronounce
Replace: Sports Drink => Coconut Water
- Coconut water has less than 1/2 of the sugar and over 16x the potassium of sports drinks
Replace: Salt => Himalayan Crystal Salt
- Himalayan crystal salt contains minerals and trace elements in their unprocessed, natural form
Replace: Rice => Quinoa
- Quinoa has 150% more fiber and 100% more protein than white rice
Replace: Iceberg Lettuce => Romaine
- Compared to iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce has over 17x the vitamin A and over 4x the vitamin K
Replace: Flour => Coconut Flour
- Coconut flour has fewer carbs and 11x the fiber levels of regular white flour
Replace: Vegetable Oil => Coconut Oil
- About 66% of the fat in coconut oil is medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which have been shown to support weight loss
Replace: Chocolate Chips => Cacao Nibs
- Cacao nibs have no sugar and over 5x the fiber of regular chocolate chips