Weight-Loss Food Replacement Hacks



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Found this on thechive

Replace: Milk => Almond Milk
- Regular milk has 6x more sugar per serving than almond milk

Replace: Processed Peanut Butter => Almond Butter
- Processed peanut butter contains hydrogenated vegetable oils and added sugars

Replace: Potato Chips => Air-Popped Popcorn
- air-popped popcorn has 9x less saturated fat and has 1/3 fewer calories per serving

Replace: Bread Crumbs => Chia Seeds
- Chia seeds have 19x more fiber, 2x more protein and contain 35x less sodium than bread crumbs

Replace: Mayo => Mustard
- Mayo contains sugar and saturated fat. Mustard has neither.

Replace: Croutons => Almonds
- Almonds have 2x the protein, 3x the fiber and 1/3 of the carbs of croutons

Replace: Sugar => Stevia
- Stevia is all natural and has zero calories, carbs or sugar

Replace: Sour Cream => Greek Yogurt
- Sour cream has 227% more calories and 450% less protein than Greek yogurt

Replace: Soda => Tea
- A can of soda contains over 8 teaspoons of sugar. Tea has no sugar and contains antioxidants

Replace: Juice => Water
Juice has nearly as much sugar per ounce as soda

Replace: Ranch => EVOO+Balsamic
- Ranch dressing has over 20 ingredients (including MSG), many of which you can't pronounce

Replace: Sports Drink => Coconut Water
- Coconut water has less than 1/2 of the sugar and over 16x the potassium of sports drinks

Replace: Salt => Himalayan Crystal Salt
- Himalayan crystal salt contains minerals and trace elements in their unprocessed, natural form

Replace: Rice => Quinoa
- Quinoa has 150% more fiber and 100% more protein than white rice

Replace: Iceberg Lettuce => Romaine
- Compared to iceberg lettuce, romaine lettuce has over 17x the vitamin A and over 4x the vitamin K

Replace: Flour => Coconut Flour
- Coconut flour has fewer carbs and 11x the fiber levels of regular white flour

Replace: Vegetable Oil => Coconut Oil
- About 66% of the fat in coconut oil is medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which have been shown to support weight loss

Replace: Chocolate Chips => Cacao Nibs
- Cacao nibs have no sugar and over 5x the fiber of regular chocolate chips
The only problem I have with this list is that some of these things aren't 'replacements'. They are entirely different things which taste differently. Like mustard instead of mayo? They aren't even similar in taste or texture. Almonds instead of croutons? Am I supposed to throw almonds into my soup? Again, completely different taste and not really suitable for the job. And Stevia is just utterly disgusting. There's uses for sour cream where yoghurt is just completely useless, in cooking for example.

Some of the suggestions sound good though, and I'm dying to try almond milk. And almond butter is great, but tastes so good that I can't have it in the house, otherwise I'll eat it with a spoon. *lol*
Certainly ... that's true with almost everything on the list. I think the general idea is that there are substitutions for a lot of the things we eat / drink every day, but they won't have the same taste or texture. It's about trying different things and possibly getting out of bad habits. I've been drinking almond milk for a few years now and there are still things like hot chocolate that almond milk doesn't work for, but for 90% I'm good. Same with the greek yogurt and mustard (it's about the moisture not the flavour).
Some sound interesting - but I will never drink the tea instead of soda... I can drink water instead of soda - but I actually find that the smell of tea makes me nauseous. Loads of my internet friends find this funny because I am english.

I am a huge fan of Greek yoghurt. I have some most days. I adore Fage Total 0% - it is expensive - but it is a lot thicker and the stats seem quite a lot better than other types I've tried.

I am going to try almond milk next... We bought some a few days ago - but haven't got round to trying it yet.
I don't know if it depends on the type of almond butter that you buy, because I bought some almond butter that actually has more calories and sugar than my peanut butter. I try to stay away from peanut butter in general because I am addicted to it, but almond butter is just not very good to me... plus it is extremely expensive.
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