Sport Food portrions, does it matter?

Sport Fitness
For instance, if your on a 2,000 calorie diet. This is 3 meals a day, vs 5-6.

What's the difference between eating 800 calories for breakfast, 600 calories for lunch and 600 calories for dinner. VS 400 calories for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner...

I mean, would this really make a difference? It's easier for me to have a bigger breakfast to get the day started and a smaller lunch and dinner...Usually i eat more than 3 times a day, but sometimes it's only breakfast, lunch, and dinner and i divide it like this...
IMO, it doesn't really matter. Eat what works for you. If the calories and macros are the same, how much you eat at each meal won't have an effect if all you're doing is varying it by a couple hundred. A slightly larger breakfast and smaller other meals won't be much different than equally-sized meals.

Splitting up you calories evenly is simply a way to help some people feel satisfied throughout the day. If you do better by another means, then so be it. Some days I'll have 3 larger meals and 2 smaller snacks, other times I'll be too busy for snacks and simply have 3 or 4 higher caloric meals. Do what works for you.
Yes it matters big time.

They dont have to all be an even amount of calories, but by eating smaller meals more frequently you spark your metabolism and keep it running high all day long.

John Berardi on more frequent meals
"it enhances the digestive process. If you split up your caloric intake in to a few meals plus snacks rather than eating just a couple of big meals, there are many benefits including better protein balance and a higher metabolic rate. In addition, by snacking you will be able to maintain a better blood sugar profile to avoid blood sugar crashes. You see, more frequent, smaller meal feedings may increase the time it takes food to move through the GI tract. This is a great benefit because if transit time is short, a substantial proportion of your nutrients can't be absorbed. Increased transit time will allow for a slower rate of absorption of your nutrients, again keeping blood levels of nutrients pretty constant."
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe the Oldspice was asking what the difference is between consuming three meals and five given the calorie count is the same.
Actually there is quite a big difference and alot will dpend on your goals.Eating frequent protein rich meals will boost your metabolism,Absorb nutrients better(you can only absorb so much at one sitting so spreading it out helps),Stabalize blood sugar levels and also helps with those cravings(if your satisfied in the stomach the brain tends to wander less towards junk food.
There are other reasons but those are the big ones.
Looks likke we posted at the same time wesrman...well almost LOL

John Berardi is tops in his field in my books and a great guy to boot!!