Weight-Loss food intake

just wondering is it okay to eat hummus everyday...i seem to have an addiction to the stuff..i loooove dipping raw celery and carrots into it with my lunch...let me know if there is a problem with hummus.

also i am training for a half marathon that is the last weekend in april. should i be eatting different types of food?
I love hummus - it's good fiber, beans have protein and the olive oil is a good fat.. so i do believe that hummus does a body good :D
Oh I love hummus too! I think it's good for you, but what a person eats with it can be bad. Rather than processed pita chips or bread, eat veggies, which is exactly what you're doing. :)
i eat a mini pot of hummous almost everyday. im addicted:) . ill dip baked crisps or veg in or spread it on bread, bagels or crispbread slim