Sport Food Ideas - PLEASE HELP

Sport Fitness
can anyone suggest any simple but effective meals to try next week?

im trying to kick start my diet but so far im still living on take aways...

Id like some info on suggested Breakfasts, main meals and some good snacks to try through out the day.

maybe bout 4 or 5 main meal suggestions...


PS: to keep in mind my goal of losing flab, boosting energy...not weight gain...the meals are needed to run along side my gym routine...thanks
I suggest you take a look into the recipes section for plenty of awesome meals.
Personally I recommend my cool cereal...

-) 5 scrambled egg-whites & 1 yolk
-) a mountain of oatmeal
-) 5 almonds
-) fruit (optional)
-) cinnamon
-) (skim) milk

... mixed together and served in a huge bowl with a huge spoon. It's my favourite meal :)
mr_afk said:
I suggest you take a look into the recipes section for plenty of awesome meals.
Personally I recommend my cool cereal...

-) 5 scrambled egg-whites & 1 yolk
-) a mountain of oatmeal
-) 5 almonds
-) fruit (optional)
-) cinnamon
-) (skim) milk

... mixed together and served in a huge bowl with a huge spoon. It's my favourite meal :)

how important is the big spoon? ;)