Weight-Loss food fact on peanuts



New member
- One pound of peanuts contains more protein than a pound of meat and 2 ½ times the protein of a pound of eggs.

- peanuts are in the legume family

- In the vegetable kingdom, only soybeans and yeast contain more protein.
great - I like peanuts:D

so how about the chocolate covered ones????

My guess is you are talking about the ones that are still in the shell...and that all the other kind, while still providing the same amount of protein are still considered junkfood because of the added honey, salt etc.? Please correct me if I'm wrong, cause I love every kind of them, but currently only allow myself the ones in the shell.
I can't do peanuts. I love them, but my body reacts to them awful, by severe bloating and gaining up to 10 pounds, most of which drops off in a couple days - but still.
Plus, they have soooooooooo many calories. You have to be so careful!!
don't scare yourself with calorie count ... calories aren't all bad if they are considered "good calories" ... there is a big difference between calories in a Big Mac, Beer and say something like chicken breast salad. Always remember the source.

Lisa, sorry for the late reply, but it appears as though i missed you somehow ... you don't need to buy peanuts in a shell ... I buy Planters all the time and they have no added salt or other "stuff" ... so they are just as perfect as the shell, and less work.
Peanut Butter

How about commercial peanut butter...Kraft for example? They've brought out a new light variety, less calories and fat but not sure about nutritionally. Is bought peanut butter healthy for you?
fattrapped666 said:
How about commercial peanut butter...Kraft for example? They've brought out a new light variety, less calories and fat but not sure about nutritionally. Is bought peanut butter healthy for you?

Unless it is ground without added sugar, it is very high in calories. 2 tablespoons of the store/name brand stuff has about 190 calories!!!!:eek: i could eat a whole jar of the chunky stuff if you let me.
natural peanut butter MIGHT be the death of me.... I have to keep it out of the house... I love it more than the 'bad' stuff like Jif and Peter Pan

You are right about that but the amount of calories you would be eating for that protein with tons of fat will not help you out if your goal is weight loss. Even though peanuts are good fats be careful on how much you consume as it adds up quickly.

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Try Raw Almond Butter

Sorry, folks, but peanuts are a bad deal.

I worked for an environmental risk assessment group, and I remember one of the staff lecturing me about some mold/spore thing called aflatoxins, that have a calculable cancer risk, around a couple per million. That was years ago, so it's pretty fuzzy.

More importantly, in Diet for a Poisoned Planet, there are only a couple of foods that get a "red light" (they use red/yello/green), and one of them is peanuts. They supposedly looked at lots of FDA/EPA type data... Apparently, peanuts are grown on alternate years with cotton, because peanuts are nitrogen fixers, and cotton is hard on the soil...anyway, cotton is a highly pesticided crop (I think #1, whether that's volume, toxicity, volume per acre, I don't recall), and you can understand how that would be, based on the dollar value of the crop.

Please try tree nuts, especially almond, no added anything, preferably organic.

Oh, and raw. Cooked fats are not health building.
The april issue of Women's health magazine had some good nut suggestions

shell out for nuts
Protect against heart disease, high blood pressure and lose weight!

Nuts, as Jack on Will & Grace once said, are nothing more than little pellets of fat and breath. Funny, but false. Over the last decade, studies have shown that eating nuts protects against heart disease, high blood pressure, and adult-onset diabetes. Even better, researchers now speculate that, rather than expanding your waistline, eating nuts may help you keep off the pounds. Enjoy these top six picks in your nut mix.

1st Place: Almonds
Per 1-ounce serving:
160 calories 14 g fat

Almonds have nearly nine times more healthy monounsaturated fat than dangerous saturated fat, says Joan Sabaté Ph.D., chair of nutrition at Loma Linda University. With plenty of protein, fiber, calcium, and iron and no cholesterol, almonds are also one of the best sources of vitamin E, which protects against stroke and cancer.

2nd Place: Walnuts
190 calories 18 g fat
Walnuts are unique among nuts because they're loaded with the same heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids in salmon (but these taste better with chocolate). In more good fat news, walnuts also have an abundance of polyunsaturated fat, which may protect against type 2 diabetes.

3rd Place: Pistachios
160 calories 13 g fat
Recently reported to have the highest level of LDL-lowering plant sterols by researchers at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, pistachios are a great source of potassium. Theyre also high in monounsaturated fat, with nearly as much as almonds.

4th Place: Peanuts
170 calories 14 g fat
Research finds that these legumes (they're not actually nuts) are a good choice for keeping cholesterol levels at bay. These impostors also provide more protein (7 grams per serving) than true nuts do.

5th Palce: Hazelnuts
180 calories 17 g fat
Along with one of the highest ratios of good fat to bad, hazelnuts are packed with folate, a vitamin that protects against birth defects and possibly cancer and heart disease.

6th Place: Pecans
200 calories 20 g fat
Dr. Sabaté points to these as a good choice for fighting high cholesterol — hey're high in unsaturated fat and lower in bad saturated fat than other nuts.

A Nut Nugget
With their high fat content, nuts turn rancid quickly unless stored tightly sealed in a cool, dark place. So buy 'em like you eat 'em (in small amounts), says Jennifer Nelson, director of clinical nutrition at the Mayo Clinic. Proper storage will let you enjoy them for at least 3 weeks.