Sport food combining - :) or :( ?????

Sport Fitness
Since taking in a lot from this fab website, I have learnt so much!

I was having a big breakfast and then going until 4/5pm to have a big but healthy meal. Even though I was only eating 1000 cals a day with only walking as exercise, my hips & bum are getting bigger!!!! DEPRESSED! :(

So, taking on board lots of comments, I have spread my foods over the day eating 4 times a day. Probably taking on board a few more calories because I'm padding my small meals out with lots of undressed salad.

BUT.... :confused: :confused: :confused:

I heard I should food combine and not eat protein & carbs (pasta/rice/potato) together. Been doing this and eating carbs at lunchtime - eg pasta salad, and protein at teatime eg fish & salad.

Will this encourage weight loss or is it all another myth? :mad:

Please help before I burst out of my jeans! :eek:
Not sure about your height, weight ratio, but 1000 calories per day is not much. People in comas get fed 1200 calories per day. Think about that.

You may be experiencing weight gain because your body is trying to tell you something. It's hard to think it may want more food.

Glad you are spreading your meals evenly throughout the day. That should help your metabolism, but the biggest tool in creating a kick-butt metabolism is to feed your body the right foods several times per day.

There are many different view points on this, but my training has always taught me that we should eat every 3-4 hours. Each meal should include one protein and one carb.

Just eating carbs will leave you feeling hungry again in an hour or so. Ever eat a bowl of cereal and then feel really hungry after a bit? This is because your body can burn through that food source really fast.

Hope this helps.
I'm not sure where you heard not to combine protein with your meals but typically it's a P+F and a P+C (protein/fat, protein/carb) meal combination. Berardi is prob the most outspoken about seperating fat and carbs.

I wouldn't sweat it over all so long as your calories are in tact.