Sport Food combination

Sport Fitness
I ran across a few articles about food combination. I was wondering if anyone actually follows this. It says no carbs together with protein :eek:.

Main Rules

Eat fruits by themselves. Don't combine them with anything else. Especially do not have them after a big meal.

Combine vegetables with oils OR meats, but not both. So salad with all kinds of vegetables with an olive oil dressing is just fine. But don't add meat at the same meal! If you want meat, leave out the dressing.

Avoid eating starches with meats. This means no bread or potatoes with steak or chicken or any other meat. This one is very important. Meat is hard enough to digest - don't make it impossible by adding bread to it as well!

Do any of these have any truth behind them? I believe its very possible that some foods don't go with others but the way they make it seems over the top. So whats the real deal?

In addition, I've found that the warrior diet strikes similarities to food combination theories.

Here are a few articles:
I think you mean not combining fats with carbs.......I follow this method while is my diet.....
I really don't even have to read them in order to explain why I think its BS. Regardless of anyones goals the main point to all people who train is to slowly digest as much protein that you intake to aid in the repair/rebuild of new muscle.

The reason for taking in carbs or fats for that matter, when consuming protein, is so that the protein that you do intake is broken down slowly due to the fact that your body will use the carb or fat as its intial fuel source.
You don't need carbs for energy or anything else? Just to have optimal protein distribution through the day.

So you could say if you combine any two foods in the world they all are fine for digestion? Their has to be some foods that don't mix it just makes sense.
Champr23 said:
You don't need carbs for energy or anything else? Just to have optimal protein distribution through the day.

So you could say if you combine any two foods in the world they all are fine for digestion? Their has to be some foods that don't mix it just makes sense.
No, you DO need carbs as a fuel source and by combining them with protein will insure that the protein that is taken in at that certain time, will be digested slowly into the muscles.
Champr23 said:
So you could say if you combine any two foods in the world they all are fine for digestion? Their has to be some foods that don't mix it just makes sense.

Why does it make sense? Without any scientific studies or logical theories, why are you buying into it?

This sounds as realistic as the 'blood type diet'. "Oh your O+? then you can't eat fruit, but you can have as much bacon as you like."

Anyone can make any claim they want, especially on the un-regulated world-wide-web. But if they lack documentation to back it up, they might as well be farting with a walkman on.
The only reason this MAY have worked for some one is the simple fact that they are eating less by not combining foods. You should have protein, carbs, and fats, with every meal. This is one of the cardinal rules of healthy eating.