Did you have pimples previously?
I have occasional skin problems with my hand. Sometimes I shed a lot of skin, develop pimples/blister like conditions along the side of my hand, cracked skin that hurts, etc.
I went to the doctors many years ago. He basically said the problem was that I keep my hand wet all the time. For example, when I wash my hands, maybe I'm not drying to a complete, or after a shower, I don't wipe my hands clean, etc. Not like soaking wet, but just wet long enough. He recommended that I use basic hand cream to take care of it.
Now whenever I develop those cracked skin, which I do on occasion, I start using hand cream. Shortly after using hand creams (maybe about a week or two), the problem goes away.
So in your case, perhaps you are keeping your face wet all the time. I don't mean like soaking wet or even on purpose, but just wet most of the time (and maybe you not knowing it). Perhaps after showering, you're not cleaning your forehead, or maybe your face is exposed a lot to cold temperature, or maybe you're going through some type of mist and not know about it.
In whatever the case, I recommend getting a moisturizer for your face (I think they actually have them). I also recommend that whenever you deal with water or moisture, to stop, and think about it for a second and ask yourself questions... is your face wet, did you dry your face to a complete, etc.
By the way, your profile picture looks awesome. I've seen you around the forum a lot, but I never knew you looked like that. You look awesome!