Sport Food allergies - Help and ideas!

Sport Fitness
Hi there!

I'm very new to this forum but I guess it's time I reached out to someone. In February of 2009, I developed a serious allergy to eggs after 26 years of NO egg allergy. This means, for me, that I can't eat eggs in any form, including eggs in other foods. This has taken a lot of foods out of the game for me. My allergy is severe enough that I have reactions to chicken as well. It's...not fun. I'm growing more and more terrified of food. Heh. I wish I was kidding.

Okay, so egg foods out, which is fine. It actually helped me cut out cake and cakelike products. So yay for that. But the lack of chicken is frustrating.

I have also discovered recently that I'm pretty allergic, now, to most meats (minus, I believe, lamb, venison, and pork, none of which I would willingly eat anyway). I have a very low tolerance for gluten and wheat.

...this is cutting out a lot of food for me. I've basically been forced to go from carnivore cake/bread lover to a vegan with very, very little bread.

I sort of...have no idea what to do here. I can eat salads. I love salads, that's no problem. But I live in a household where no one else shares these allergies, so a lot of times I end up eating wheat things anyway (like flour tortillas at dinner, or Kashi cereals, with wheat in it) because the stuff is there and easy.

People tell me too much tofu is super bad. Heh, I guess too much of anything is too bad, right? But I'm not really sure how to keep my energy up on fruits and vegetables. I feel like that's all I can eat. I'm not losing weight on this, because, like I said, I tend to go back to what I KNEW food wise, and not what is healthy for me now.

I don't eat fast food. So that's not an issue, really.

I just need some help. How can I plan a meal plan if I don't know what i'm supposed to eat? I go through a personal trainer at the gym and she's helped a bit, but most diet plans that I find for myself have eggs, or meat, or bread in them.

So lunch is easiest. I can make or get a salad with ease. Dinner is actually not terrible. If my SO makes food that requires bread, I can just stop using the bread and maybe make a salad of it somehow. But breakfast? What do I do?

I've been working out 3-4 times a week for three months and at first I lost about 7 pounds (12 inches!) but my scale has gone right back up.

i'm discouraged. I need help. Any ideas?