


Hey everyone, FF is in the middle of racing his Half Ironman in Florida right now. He should be finishing up within the next 90 minutes or so. I say everyone who reads this give him a rep and some supportive encouragement to come back to!
Hey everyone, FF is in the middle of racing his Half Ironman in Florida right now. He should be finishing up within the next 90 minutes or so. I say everyone who reads this give him a rep and some supportive encouragement to come back to!

Great Spirits often Encounter Violent Winds but keep Soaring.

I agree 100%. His heart and will are second to none, BABY!

FF shows everyday, what a determined heart can accomplish. I respect this man a great deal. He has been a dear friend of my mine since he joined in May, and I have learned a great deal from this man; he has been an inspiration to me and many others on this forum.

FF teaches us all that:

Strength of Attitude becomes Strength of Character.

I hope this young man does well. I wish him the very best.


Best wishes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,to you----FFer!

FF, this all started with you thinking I was coaching you. You, in turn have, in an unassuming way, begun to coach me! I am dreaming of things next year that I never before thought were in the realm of possibility. You make everyone believe that anything is possible. No limits, no boundaries, no conditions. Thats how real dreams are made.
FF, this all started with you thinking I was coaching you. You, in turn have, in an unassuming way, begun to coach me! I am dreaming of things next year that I never before thought were in the realm of possibility. You make everyone believe that anything is possible. No limits, no boundaries, no conditions. Thats how real dreams are made.

FF got me thinking the same things.
oh geez. I didn't see this last night.

Now I am crying like a sniveling lil baby all over again.

did I win? you bet- WE WON. The only thing more painful than injury is quitting.

My feet are burgered badly. BUT I tell you- my spirit is soooo touched.

Sheeeesh a bunch of internet weirdos are makign me sob at 5:40!

what a thing to do that was. my time was 7:00:03. (includingin transitions) my goal was 6:59:59. haahhaa just 4 lil ol seconds to keep me humble. BUT I qualified for a slot in a sanctioned Ironman event 08. Probably Lousiville KY, we'll see.

I thank you so much for the attention. Most people I know just watch me from afar, as if I;m intimidatin or something.

Oh gaawd I am sooo emotional right now.

I am. And i posted to you again on that newbies thread.

my brain is still in re-hydration mode---hhahaha

My son wants the computer for homework so I'm outta here for tonight.

what an ff***ing awsome achievement!

You've been the most unbelievable success story since you joined as a half crippled sky diver :)
no kidding there CCR. I have been blessed with progress and motivation.

the funny thing about our bodies thoiugh is this-

I had major foot issues in my event, you may have read. I also guarantee my splints were hurting, my shoulders, and my left inner knee. BUT I never thought of those, due to the foot focus. SO- does that mean my shins, shoulders and knees never hurt before? or could they have been dealt with mentally better.

Without the shoe issue would I have had no pain? I think it is the brain trying to protect it's body by finding a reason to quit.

now-- on the other hand I saw an athlete laying on the ground with a calve muscle folded in half, and a shaking leg, eyes closed, and abviously COMPLETELY done, but saying "I'm gunna finish, I will, I will, thru her sobs."

interesttin adventure it is to test the body mind and spirit of oneself.
SO- does that mean my shins, shoulders and knees never hurt before? or could they have been dealt with mentally better.

Without the shoe issue would I have had no pain? I think it is the brain trying to protect it's body by finding a reason to quit.

That's a very interesting thought, maybe the test will be to see how long these areas hurt after the event. If your knees and shins are OK already then maybe it was mental; but if you're still in a load of pain you might owe your body an apology and a beer to numb the pain
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