Sport Flour

Sport Fitness
After much research I have not found a solid answer to this question. I know whole wheat flour is best, and white flour is bad. What about organic all purpose flour? It says unbleached organic all purpose flour on the front.

Also, if something is enriched with vitamins, is that good or no good?
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About the organic flour. The wheat itself may be organic, ie no pesticides used, but then processed into white flour. So I don't believe just because it's "organic" that it may be the best thing for you.

And as for the enriched. I may not be totally correct, but I belive that all enriched means is that vitamins etc are added after processing. So enriched may be better than white, but still not quite as good as whole wheat.

This is what I have been taught. Hope this helps.
Thanks for replying! About the enriched part of the question, I mean all things, not just bread. Like how on orange juice or milk it'll say enriched with vitamin A&D or something.

But about the organic flour, I was afraid it was just whole wheat flour that had still been processed. Hm....
kittyhartman26 said:
Thanks for replying! About the enriched part of the question, I mean all things, not just bread. Like how on orange juice or milk it'll say enriched with vitamin A&D or something.

But about the organic flour, I was afraid it was just whole wheat flour that had still been processed. Hm....

You have to look carefully. Taking your OJ, it may very well be enriched with A and D, but it may have high fructose corn syrup as well.

I think a lot of white flours also say enriched. Doesn't mean much.

Stick with whole wheat. If you can find an organic WW, then power to ya, but I wouldn't trade WW for organic if the organic is still processed refined white flour. The conditions it has to meet to be called organic is very misleading. It only covers the growing and has nothing to do with what they can put in, take out or do to it afterwards.
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I agree with Cynic enriched doesn't mean a whole lot, it is still processed white flour. You are much better sticking with the whole wheat flour. As for myself I try to avoid as much flour as possible except for an occasional whole wheat/high fiber bread.
I use an organic whole wheat flour. Just read the labels and try to find one with as few ingredients as possible.