Sport flaxseed

Sport Fitness
hey. umm im 14 and trying to get a 6pack. and im on a body fatloss diet. lately i've been adding ground flaxseed to some of my foods. Is there a problem with this? are there any side effects? i'm wondering becuase it says not to take with tylenol and i think that seems a little questionable.
weird, i've never heard of Tylenol problems with flax seed oil.

I can't shed any light, other than to say 'WTF? never heard that'

I tried to google it, and the closest I could find was that the linoleic acid in flaxseed oil is a mild blood is the two could cause problems if you have heart problems, already taking blood thinners due to blood clotting issues..

but tylenol doesn't thin the blood. so, I'm still as lost as you.