flaxseed oil vs fish oil

can anyone give a rundown of which i should take or should i take both?

also about everyday i eat 1 serving of peanut butter that has flax oil in it along with 1000mg of omega3
I read somewhere fish oil is better for you but don't take my word for it. Tuna has some omega 3's.
I remember reading a study that proved fish oil was much better than flax oil. It said ALA, the omega 3 found in flax seed is not usable by the body and has to be converted into EPA and DHA. The percentage that was actually converted was quite low. On the other hand, fish oil contains EPA and DHA so nothing needs to be converted and all of it can be used.

Im sure a quick google search can also give u an answer
i take both. i use flaxseed in everything i can, IT's a FUN thing! hehehe

and the fishoil I take, well cuz it's good for me, and eating the fish skin is yucky!