Flax Seeds

Hi! I'm interested in eating flax seed because of all the fiber in it, but I have heard that flax seeds are toxic if they aren't boiled before you grind and eat them. Does anyone know if this is true? Thanks.

i dont know but i've never heard that before about flax seeds
if that was true i would be dead right now... i have like 3 or 4 tbsp of the stuff every day, my mommy just grinds it up in the coffee grinder(she eats it too or else i would be grinding it) and just puts the left over in the fridge(oils go bad if left out) i get tons of fibre and tons of the oils that are super healthy.

so to sum up flax seed not toxic.
Flax seeds aren't absorbed by the body unless they're ground up, so be sure to buy it already milled or do it yourself in a coffee grinder (like grammaton mentioned). Flax oil is fine, too, and probably more versatile.