Sport flax seed and flax oil?

Sport Fitness
I was just wondering about some produces that i recieved as free samples with my vitamin purchase. I recieved a 16 fl oz bottle of Barlean's organic flax oil and a 16 oz bottle of Barlean's Forti-Flax that is also 100% organic. The Forti-Flax is a type of flaxseed. How should i use this stuff in my diet? Is it good to use everyday and does it help with weightloss?
If you are adding essential fatty acids to your diet everyday for the first time, gradually increase your intake. Start off with a small amount at mealtimes, and work your way up to a teaspoon - tablespoon for each meal. If you can comsume the fat at every meal, do it. As for weight loss, yes, E.F.A.'s does aid in weight reduction. In fact, it is practically neccessary for a healthy weight.
Oil is better, it must be stored in a dark place though. And crush the seeds before you eat them.
I just chug mine, but I imagine you could put it on oatmeal; or like cryptik said, in burgers.
I put the seeds on any kind of meat and also blend it in to smoothies. The oatmeal and salds are also good ideas
If you don't mind the seeds, or can find a useful method of adding them to your food, they do provide several advantages over the oil. Most notable is lignans, a very strong phytochemical that is benefical for both men and women, but mostly women. The only stipulation to get the benefits from lignans is to make sure there is enough friendly bacteria in the intestines. Or, if you want the lignans without the bland taste of the seeds, there are some companies that manufacture "High Lignan" flax seed oil.