Sport Flax & Fiber

Sport Fitness
Are you putting the fats and fiber in your Workout/PW drink, or a shake you take as a meal?

If the former, then stop adding either..recovery drinks should be fat/fiber free, as they slow uptake. If the latter, carry's all good. :)

That is to say, as far as I'm aware, there's no problem at all with taking fiber and fats together. They have similar effects on the digestive process, in a vague sort of general sense.
Hunh. That's interesting. I always wake up hungry and wanting solid food, but on ST days I just puke it up if I try to eat it, as I mentioned in sparrow's thread.

Yeah, if you're eating it as a meal in itself, adding the fiber and fats is actually beneficial in the specific context of slowing your uptake of (what are probably) the very biologically available macronutrients in your shake. This is of course only my amateur opinion, so perhaps when the veterans weigh in we'll get a better answer.
Fats will keep you fuller longer however Flax Seeds are SCFA therefor will not keep you as full or slow your down your digestion process as a MCFA or a LCFA would,

So if you are trying to make a shake to replace break fest adding Flax just for the fat content will not help much.
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