Flat Stomach?!


New member
Okay, I have always wanted a "flat" stomach, you know the one that doesn't have a bump above where my belt goes. I am a 36 year old guy, 6 feet tall, and just lost 20 pounds and am down to 183. I seem to be losing weight all over, but I still have the bump! I really don't want to be skinny so I lift weights to try and keep as much muscle as possible while dieting, and according to how little I eat I should be getting rid of this layer of fat but it just won't go! I know they say you can't target specific areas for fat loss, but I just don't know what to do, if I cut any more calories I fear that I'm going to start to burn muscle. I don't eat bread, drink soda, etc... Any tips?
Maybe exercises that are aimed at your stomach/abs might work. You could try sit ups with with a weight ball (not sure of the proper name). I'm not sure of any others so some research is in order :) A quick google search should bring up some ideas.
Belly fat is the collection of fat in the abdominal area which looks extremely repulsive however; it is easy to get rid of belly fat. Many people go for ways like quitting smoking etc to get rid of their belly fat but the most effective of all is exercise followed by a good diet. Exercise is a very benefitting way to reduce abdominal fat as it makes one mentally plus physically healthy and at the same time helps to reduce belly fat.