Weight-Loss Flat out...



New member
which foods should we limit or cut out...my diet is letting me down, stopping me from losing the last bits of fat.

Ill start:

Soft drink (soda)
High fructose corn syrup...

which is in about 70% of foods commercially produced in America. :/
Soda is a great start!

Some people claimed to lose huge amounts of weight just by removing that one item. Consider this, 1 can of Coke = approx 10 teaspoons of sugar...

Also as jpland mentioned, high fructose corn syrup is a killer.... Literally! And it is in everything.

Basically if you want the best weight loss bang for your buck stick to whole foods and non processed foods. Apples instead of mars bars, whole grain bread instead of wonder bread, lean chicken and turkey breast instead of hotdogs and bologna.... Makes such a huge difference.

But it needs to go beyond that for true success. Just eating carrot sticks and oatmeal the rest of your life isnt the answer either. The most important thing I have learned about getting healthy is doing research. Period.

Healthy food can be easy, cheap and delicious with some planning and preparation. Knowing which foods are good and which are bad becomes second nature after awhile, and eventually you will learn (as I did) that you CAN cheat and have some of those delicious "bad" foods once and awhile, once you have learned about moderation. I have an off day every weekend where I eat whatever I want. Chocolate, icecream, restaurants, hamburgers, you name it. After awhiloe once you start seeing the progress you are making, even those comfort foods start to look less appealing, and I find myself now reaching for an apple instead of a bag of chips anyways... Even on my off days.

Do yourself a huge favor and do some reading on the group here and you will discover, as I did, that whereas it isn't easy, it really isn't as hard as it seems at first.

What sirant said. Stick to 'pure' or 'raw' foods. Foods that havnt been processed. Means your body has to do the processing which raises the metabolism and uses more calories :)
yeah i agree...........eat close to the source........the closer to how nature made it the better!!!!! and how much closer do ya get than diggin something out of the ground and eatin it?????
There's nothing that I've cut out altogether for weight loss reasons. My aim is to keep eating all the things I enjoy so I will be happy to continue with this "diet" when I've finished losing weight. I have cut some things out for health reasons, though.
I basically have cut out highly processed foods, and especially white carbs. I used to eat white bread all the time -- now it's almost all whole grain, or at the worst, rye or whole wheat; brown rice instead of white rice; whole wheat noodles instead of white pasta, etc.

I never drank soda pop, so that was no big change for me.