Weight-Loss Flaky Fingers?



New member
So lately, I've been noticing the skin around my nailbeds have been, for lack of a better word, flaking off. Flaking isn't even that good of a word either, because the skin is not dead yet, but it becomes a bit detached on one end, but not the other. They aren't giant chunks of skin, only a couple millimeters long (less than a quarter of an inch), but the thing is, if I don't pull them off, they get caught on my shirt, or things I happen to be brushing against, and if I do pull them off, they bleed because the skin is still live. And regardless of what I do, they're a little painful, kind of feels bruised and sore even though there's no discoloration. Otherwise I seem to be perfectly healthy (well, except the weight issue, but that's almost a given here).

I remember hearing that this sort of thing is somehow nutritionally caused, that I'm lacking something, but I don't know what. Anyone have any ideas?
sounds like hangnails to me? i used to get them all the time. i'm not quite sure but i think its a b vitamin your thinking of. i'd have to look it up.
I don't think its hangnails. At least, when I think of hangnails, I think of times when its the nail itself that's splintered off, and from experience that's much more painful that what I'm having now. No, its just the skin around the nail, and taking a look at my fingers (I was going to take a picture to show you what I meant), it seems to have cleared up.

The other day, Josh (fiancee) mentioned he thought it was a vitamin C problem, but I didn't think much about it because he didn't sound very sure. Once I got this cold though, I've been taking vitamin C all over the place trying to fight it. Maybe he was right after all!
I call those hang nails too... but it may just be a difference in terms... I actually have them alot - and they seem to get better when I use lotion, but I'm kind of lazy most days and don't remember to use it.. I'm not sure about anything nutritionally.. hm...
I was noticing the same thing with my nails. I don't know if this if your case, but when the weather gets cold, my skin gets dry and flakey, mostly in my hands, around my nails and such. I wash my hands all day long since I go to school and am exposed to so many sick people. My dry nail beds come and go too, but I agree, the vitamin C seems to help with everything. I need a manicure. haha
Yeah when it gets colder I tend to get that way. Plus my place is so dry.