Flabby Chest, Stomach, Love Handle Help


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How's everyone doing...
I'm 27, 6'1, 202 Lbs

About 5 years ago I went from 250 Lbs to 220 in about 3 months. Then about 2 years ago from 220 to 200-205.

I naturally eat very well as far as meals go, but I eat a bunch of crap like chocolate chip granola bars, bite sized rice krispies, I'll get a Cinnamon Roll from Panera Bread or a sweet from Starbucks, a Blizzard, etc.

I literally do Cardio every day. I'll go to the gym and do about 50-60 minutes an the machines say I'm burning around 900-1,000 calories.
Not sure how correct those are, but I put in all the info. So, that basically makes up for all my SWEETS.

I've been 200-205 for about 2 years now, just "Maintaining", but I'm growing more self conscious about my "FLAB". Especially in Summer, when I can't wear a hoodie or jacket, etc.

I don't have legit Man-Boobs, like some of the photos I've seen where they literally stick out and such. But my chest is super flabby... like it hang when I bend over, I have stomach flab, side of chest flab, ect ect.

I want to work on getting rid of it.

I really don't do anything with weights, I've tried to do some for about 3 weeks and then quit, then 4 months later do it again and quit.

So, is the answer just weights and more cardio to drop LBs?
Any sort of target exercises for man-boobs or side fat?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much
Kind of embarrassed to post pics, but what the hell...
This is the area I'm talking about, and here's another shot.

I guess what I'm really wondering is, if I lose another 20 lbs will it help at all, or will that all still be there basically?

Is weight training the real problem?
You've gone along ways great job. Yeah you need to loose more weight with lots of strength training. Get all of that extra stubborn fat off. About another 30 pounds of with muscle gain around the chest and arms you should see the results your looking for.
Would you just hit all the standard weight "machines"?
I mean I've done them all before, just like I said I'll do every other day for about 2-3 weeks then fade off, wait 2-3 months restart, etc.

I really don't focus on lower body b/c I feel like the cardio is almost enough in that regard. Agree?

When I do my weight I usually do:
Incline Bench Press
Lat Pull Down
Standard Bench Press
Chest Fly
The one where you sit down and pull straight back

And that's about it. Like I don't do biceps and triceps specifically.
I really just do the machines that show the "Muscles Worked" as chest/back/torso.

I guess I should be doing some of the situp type machines as well?

And then just stop eating the Snacks. I know for a fact that one of the Cinnamon Rolls is 650 + The granolas/etc, I mean that's literally 1,000 calories + that I can take out right there.

I do the cardio so I can eat that crap :)
I don't see your "man-boobs" doing the cardio to eat the crap is absolutely defeating your purpose. If you want to get rid of the flab you should eat clean. Cardio is great but you got to build a strong muscle under the fat. Once you're in shape the chest flab should probably start to diminish. You can do crunches till the cows come home but if you don't eat right you're going nowheres fast.
Eat clean

Weight Train

Remember muscles burns the most fat. Get into a weight training routine and STICK WITH IT and be sure to eat plently of protein to keep those muscles building.

Also, as far as I know....to get where you want...you gotta be very strick on your diet. Extremly clean, greens, fish, etc. You'd look great after a good 3 months-5 months of weight training.
Thank for replying.
Like I said, I really do "Eat clean" for all my meals. Like tonight I'm having BBQ chicken breast, baked potato, corn, salad.

I'll have a deli meat sandwich on a low-fat wrap, fruit, carrots, salad.

Stuff like that.
But the other stuff kills me, and I know it. But I also know that the gym offsets it basically, and that's why I've been this weight for 2-3 years now without gaining.

All the other stuff is out though... And going to the gym today to do cardio+weights.
I just hate the weights because it adds on another 20-25 minutes to the 60 of cardio.
Maybe if you only work arms one day, chest another, and back on another day you could cut that 20-25 mins down?

I understand why you don't want to do 20-25 mins of weights after 60 min cardio. Perhaps doing the weights for before you run would be better for you?
I do the weights before cardio to begin with.
No big deal, I'll do the extra time if it yields results.
You said your maintaing weight and from what you wrote in your original message it makes complete sense. If you eat the same amount of calories you burn your not going to either gain or lose weight. But I feel you I always have cravings for snacks like cookies and such. I try to have a cheat day where I pick one thing I'm craving that week and Ill have it that one day but only if I've been eating and exercising that week. Good luck!!
You said your maintaing weight and from what you wrote in your original message it makes complete sense. If you eat the same amount of calories you burn your not going to either gain or lose weight. But I feel you I always have cravings for snacks like cookies and such. I try to have a cheat day where I pick one thing I'm craving that week and Ill have it that one day but only if I've been eating and exercising that week. Good luck!!

Yeah, the snacks are my big thing.
Major sweet tooth. And it's almost become a habit now, where I get a coffee-get a sweet.

Then after the 4 minutes I take to eat it I'm always like, "Damn... that was 600 Calories."

I actually found these little one serving Ice Cream things from Eddys. They're about 200 Calories each.
So I bought some of those, and maybe 1 a day or 1 every other day.

Should satisfy that need, and yet it's only 200 Calories or so.

No real weight loss this week, but I did do weights 4 days.

I downloaded the p90x 25 minute ABS video, so I'm going to do that too now.
On the days I don't do weights.
Still doing the 45-55 minutes of cardio a day too.

I want to try to really go 100% at this for about 2 months and see what happens.
If there's visible results I'm sure I'll keep going.

Let's say you were to just maintain, but start a weight/strength program every other day.
You think you'd see results in 60 days?
I'm not sure if this is against the rules but I suggest you pick up a mens fitness magazine. They always have a range of articles outlining the moves to build pecs and abs using a range of techniques from dumbell isolation work to barbell lifts.

I'm afraid it is the only way to build the muscle you want but you will need the right diet to match which is generally higher protein, carbs and nutrients. And it is not about less calories...often more calories with the right muscle building programme. Plus they show excellent results over a 16 week period.

My husband has been following their programmes and has had excellent success and he's a lot older than you so you would likely achieve more for less.