Sport Fitting a social life in

Sport Fitness
I was jus woundering how you guys manage to achieve your goals but still go out at the weekend and enjoy drinks with mates.

Since Monday I've ran 12 miles (4x2 1/4miles + 1x3miles) in the mornings and I haven't had anything naughty to snack on. But last night I had 6 beers, jd and coke, 1 alcho pop, and a random mixer oh and 1 shot of something . . .basically not alot in my books. but still thats gotta be about 1500cals plus the 400 or so in my half pizza.

I feel as though its cancled out all the running I did dureing the week, I'm going to run 15 miles next week, but could just as easily cancle it all out come Friday night . . . any sugestions
As Frustrating as this answer is going to seem if you want to achieve a good body, you just can't pound back the alcohol like that. That kind of consumption should be a random celebration, not a weekly event. Having 1-2 drinks at max. Best choices are rum/most whiskeys and diet coke, never get mixes or full sodas. For example when I go out sometimes i would have crown and diet cokes. If a standard ounce in each drink it was about 70-80 calories for each. This compared to a JD and coke which is 180 calories.

However at the moment I don't drink any at being it really hurts muscle. However if you do drink, keep it at a low level. Save the all out nights for something worth celebrating. If you buds give you a hard time, just ask for a diet coke in a rocks glass, they wont ever know the difference anyway. I find alot of people drink more socially due to pressure than actually needed all that liqour boost.

When you do drink do the following to minimize the damage...
-Drink TONS of water
-get a slow digesting protein prior to sleep (milk, cottage cheese)
-Get a fast acting protein first thing next morning with plenty of water.
Yes I am, I moved to England 13 years ago when I was 7 years old and its always on my mind to go back there.

What would be a fast acting protien?
cool, I was from Auckland (I know, just another jafa) But I just spent 6 months traveling round the whole of NZ (Dec - June) and I loved the Hawkes bay area. I'm now back in sunny ol' England though.
ahahahaha, you think a half pizza only has 400 calories? typical pan pizza from a fast food/restaurant is more like 350-400cals per SLICE.

for fun I put a medium pizza, half, 6 beers, and 1 shot of whiskey into fitday and its a little over 2000 calories, 50g of fat, 170g carbs (80g of which are alcohol carbs), and 50g of protein.

not great.