Well, the first question is... what are you currently doing for training? Do you do any interval training, HIIT, tabata, fartlek....? Anything that varies high and low intensity?
I actually am curious about how the body changes when you do HIIT training.
Is it an accumulation of the lactic acid buildup that makes the intervall training harder over the course of a session? or is the cardiovascular strength that is?
The constant lactic buildup will help raise your lactic threshold (basically, increasing how long/hard you can go before lactate starts building up). And there's definitely a cardiovascular aspect to HIIT.
Basically the way i would like to maintain my fitness is very moderate. I do not like to take any exercise heavily. There are couples of reasons behind that. First reason i do not want it and secondly i do not have that amount of free time since i need to give lots of time to my job.
But i would like to share over here particularly for you. Make sure if you find anything informative that would give you a chance to make a perfect fitness routine for yourself.
I believe our body is the adoptable than anything. It does not matter if we try to maintain light exercise or heavy exercise. It would adopt any form of exercise eventually.
At the very beginning i made a very moderate plan for myself and try my best to follow. That was like that:
• Running each of every morning for 3o minutes at normal speed
• Cycling in the afternoon for 10 to 15 minutes
• Drink lots of water
• Eat lots of vegetable and avoid Jung food by any means
What i really did is to maintain it regularly. More importantly time to time i restructure my routine as an advanced level. Right now my fitness plan is something like that and which is much more advanced than my previous plan.
• Running each of every morning for 1 hour at normal speed
• Cycling in the afternoon for 30 minutes
• Drinking lots of water
• Eat lots of vegetable and avoid Jung food by any means
• Push up 100 times in 5 slots (20*5)
• Built the muscle of my arms by some rigorous exercise
I think each of every man in this world is different and they need to make their own fitness plan for themselves. This is my very simple plan. If you find anything informative then try to add something from here and make your own individual plan for yourself. Make sure it would meet the demand of what you really want.