Fitness Noob

Hello all! My name is Kelcie and I'm from Ohio. I'm 17 and I really need to get muscle because I feel like I'm to skinny. My main objective is working my butt up so I can have a nice but and legs. I'm just really pumped to get started. I thank you guys for accepting me into your fitness community. [emoji18]

Hello all! My name is Kelcie and I'm from Ohio. I'm 17 and I really need to get muscle because I feel like I'm to skinny. My main objective is working my butt up so I can have a nice but and legs. I'm just really pumped to get started. I thank you guys for accepting me into your fitness community. [emoji18]

Lift weights, and eat more protein. How much do you weigh? I'd say for every pound you weigh eat at least .7g of protein, guys usually need more then girls so .7 should be fine. Chicken, broc and some rice is usually the best for building muscle.

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Diet is a key component, you have to eat so your body has the pieces to build muscle. Albacore tuna, salmon, halibut, skinless white-meat chicken, brown rice, and water. You need lots of high-quality protein. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts are also important to have a well-balanced diet.

I run and lift weights three times per week and I have to eat 6 to 8 meals each day just to keep from losing weight. You must eat. Rest is also important. Your muscles recover and build during rest, not during workouts, so make sure you are getting plenty of rest and sleep.