Fitness for Tennis

I'm looking for a fitness program for tennis that will help me maximize my perfermance and results. I'm 5'10, 140 lbs, and work out regularly. I'm in good shape (I have about a 4-pack and pretty toned body) but I want to be in the best possible shape for my tennis. I'm looking for some bigger arms and legs mostly but I also want a total program. Thanks for all the help! :D
most tennis players don't have bigger arms based on how they train. Condition Condition Condition. Lateral and diagonal speed, reaction time, shoulder strength, core strength. Condition condition condition.
most tennis players don't have bigger arms based on how they train. Condition Condition Condition. Lateral and diagonal speed, reaction time, shoulder strength, core strength. Condition condition condition.

Well, what would be the ideal workout for achieving this great physique?
Well, what would be the ideal workout for achieving this great physique?

I play tennis twice a week and I find in addition to tennis I have a regular running program and lift weights using the circuit. Try to run a 4 miler every other day and in between the weight circuit empathizing the arms and abdomen area. The running really helps in the endurance and speed factor getting to balls.

I play tennis twice a week and I find in addition to tennis I have a regular running program and lift weights using the circuit. Try to run a 4 miler every other day and in between the weight circuit empathizing the arms and abdomen area. The running really helps in the endurance and speed factor getting to balls.


What sort of weight circuit should I do? Because that's the part I've been stuck on. I don't know what program to do for a great tennis physique. BTW, how's ur tennis going?
What sort of weight circuit should I do? Because that's the part I've been stuck on. I don't know what program to do for a great tennis physique. BTW, how's ur tennis going?

Circuit: Chest,triceps,biceps,crunches. No lifting above head. Do two sets of 14 reps each with a moderate weight. Not too heavy and not too light.
In off season work on legs too. :jump1: