Fitness for soccer while doing strength training

I do a strength training routine 3 times per week as well as 3 soccer practices and 1-2 hockey games. I recently did a beep test and scored a 7 (note I am recovering from a pulled hamstring about a month ago and have been slowed down somewhat by this). I am a goaltender and I want to get a 10 on my next beep test (in 3 months). There is snow on the ground where I live (already!) and I have access to a treadmill. Should I use the treadmill or just tough it out outside? How many times a week should I run and how far/how fast? Any help at all is appreciated.
Although running will help you, there are better ways that will help improve your score as well as help heal your hamstring faster.

First, I will describe the running, however, you should make sure your hamstring will be able to keep up, do the exercises I describe next first to rehab. You can do interval training on the treadmill or outside. Your choice. What I would have you do is, after you have warmed up with a good 5 min run, set the speed of the treadmill at a sprint, something you can keep up the pace for 30 seconds. Then, standing on the sides, wait until the next min starts. When it does, jump on and sprint for 20 seconds. Then stand on the sides for 10 seconds. You need to be very careful here and if you are getting too tired, stop so that you don't miss the sides and go flying off the back.
Then doing side to side sprints will be even more sport specific for you, both for hockey and keeper. Set up two cones or markers about 10 feet apart. Sprint side to side using both crossover and shuffle steps as many times as you can for 30 seconds. Rest 15 seconds and repeat. With your games involved, I would keep this to 2 times per week so you don't affect your games.

Weight training to help your hammie and your score... Doing as many exercises on one leg will help you the best. Single leg deadlifts, single leg reaches (reaching out front, to the sides, and to the rear with the opposite hand to an object about 12" tall) Single leg squats, etc... This can be done 2-3 times per week using light weight or just body weight.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions. There is a lot of snow on the ground here too... and I wouldn't want to be trianing in this, even though I love the snow.