Fish Oil Questions

I bought a bottle of Fish Body Oils 1000 (360 capsules) yesterday. This morning I was lying around reading a M&F magazine (October issue), and I read that the recommended amount of grams to take for fish oil (Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA) was 2-6 grams a day.

On the bottle I bought, the back reads:

Serving Size One Softgel Capsule

Calories from Fat...............10
Total Fat...........................1 g (2% DV)

EPA Omega-3.....................180 mg
DHA Omage-3.....................120 mg

300 x 7 = 2100mg = 2.1g

I think the total amount of oil is 300 milligrams. So to fulfill the recommended intake amount, I should take 7 pills a day, right?

What effects, good or bad, will all that fish oil have on my body?

7pills, at least. 10 is probably a better number to shoot for (which really, is only 2 per meal, skipping post workout meal since you want no fat consumed at that time)

EFA's help the body in many ways, a google search will answer all, but one main benefit that its an anti-inflammatory, so your joints will appreciate it most noticably. most everything else is related to blood lipid and cholesterol levels, your heart, etc.

the only 'bad' side effect is that if your fish caps aren't enteric coated, they'll sometimes make your burps taste fishy.
Thanks. Alright, 10 a day it is. Just out of curiosity, will taking let's say, around 5 a day, will that yield any results? And also, the fat that comes from those pills will be 20% DV, I count that fat as I would any other, right?

yep, its still fat, so it still counts.

here's the best way to do it: there's 3 kinds of fat - saturated, poly unsaturated, and mono unsaturated. You basically want an even split of the three. so if your diet puts you at 30% total calories from fat, you should be getting 10% saturated, 10% poly unsat. and 10% mono unsat.

more than likely, if you really avoid ground beef, cheese and butter, your saturated will often be the lowest of the 3, IF you're eating enough fatty fish, or taking your fish oil caps.

don't think of taking fish caps as a 'way to see improvements'. just look at it as a part of your strategy to get healthy fats in the diet, and less 'bad fats' like trans fat or an abundance of saturated fat.
There's also a massive campaign going on in Aus atm about transfats..

Apparently they're a more noxious poison than cigarettes omit and not only have been banned in someEuropean countries but are under a serious review for similar in australia.
The tricky thing with those are that they found in any one for those catagories Malkore gave you.
I believe they're grossly from processed foods but I also belive that on brain function ( as oppsed to just cell integrity ) a certain amount of those omegas are probably are good idea.
There are now available on the market light virgin olive spreads that should cover you for those... and also give you a little boost of other things forthose on a mainly blandand additive free eating plan.. atm I'm looking it into it a bit more myself.. I use to do virtually no fat whatsoever.. but i think I misscalculated the benifit that has on nueral activity...

fishcaps are imo a rip off!.. there are mUch more versatile ways to get it where you you can also use those things as flavour additives and enjoy a broader palate while still mintaining your optimum health... fancy bringing taste back :D... ;).

Fat dOes count.. but so does everything else .

Have a look in your supermarket on the cold marg and spread shelves and mind the salt content and I would suggest you'd be waay better off. .. you can buy some of those 60 % fat free.. do your egg whites in that with loads of tomatoe / celery / peas and corn mix/ no fat cheese slices / garlic and maybe some ginger and a really good low sodium chilli and no fat natural yoghurt ontop with or without some low salt ricecrackers / a glass orange juice/ and or flavoured no fat milk or protein shake and /or fruit and no fat icecream with a fibre supplement and hot fluid at some stage and thaat is one awesomely satisfying and efficient meal! ;). :).... not that you'd be so hooked you'd want to live on virtually It and little else :).. it's good !

cheers and good luck with it.

Blooming Lotus.
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Okay, I see. Last question: Is it possible to reach and mantain a body fat percentage of/under 10 while taking these capsules?

I'm also trying to consume enough Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

But I'm taking in the recommended 3 capsules a day of GNC Natural Brand: Flax Seed Oil 1000.

Is the consumtion rate the same? 2-6 grams a day?

The typical Fatty Acid profile per capsules says:

alpha-Linolenic Acid - 550mg << This is Omega 3 Fatty Acid
Linoleic Acid - 144mg << Omega 6
Oleic Acid - 165 << Omega 9
Palmitic Acid - 54 mg << Some Fatty Acid found in plants and animals and a component of Palm Oil.

So my Omega 3 Fatty Acids totals up to be only 1.65 grams in 3 capsules. Should I take more capsules? Or is this only the ALA part of Omega 3 Fatty Acid because it says nothing about EPA and DHA. If so, should I also be taking Fish Body Oils?
sadly, your flax seed caps are not as good.
alpha-linolenic acid has to be broken down by enzymes in your body to create the two omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA...which are the ones that actually provide the health benefits. a 1000mg fish oil cap usually contains a combined 300mg of EPA and DHA. a flaxseed cap may have 550mg of ALA, but by the time the body converts it, you're getting less than 100mg of EPA and DHA.

plus, there's some research indicating flaxseed oil might increase risk of prostate cancer in men. hard to say for sure though, but considering the inefficiency of flaxseed, and the fact that humans steadily lose the enzymes to convert ALA to EPA and DHA (the older you get, the less efficient the conversion gets)...its just best to go with fish oil caps.

*edited to add*

oh, and quit shopping at GNC. they don't know much about supps, and are one of the more expensive places you can buy them.
sadly, your flax seed caps are not as good.
alpha-linolenic acid has to be broken down by enzymes in your body to create the two omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA...which are the ones that actually provide the health benefits. a 1000mg fish oil cap usually contains a combined 300mg of EPA and DHA. a flaxseed cap may have 550mg of ALA, but by the time the body converts it, you're getting less than 100mg of EPA and DHA.

plus, there's some research indicating flaxseed oil might increase risk of prostate cancer in men. hard to say for sure though, but considering the inefficiency of flaxseed, and the fact that humans steadily lose the enzymes to convert ALA to EPA and DHA (the older you get, the less efficient the conversion gets)...its just best to go with fish oil caps.

*edited to add*

oh, and quit shopping at GNC. they don't know much about supps, and are one of the more expensive places you can buy them.

Thanks, very useful info, this is actually my first bottle of Flax Seed Oil, I'll go ahead and purchase Fish Body Oils from a different supplier tomorrow.