Fish Oil in conjuction with Flax Seed Oil

Hey guys im 16 weigh about 148-150 lbs. What would be my minimum and maximum intake of fish oil in conjuction with flax seed oil. I currently take 1 flax seed oil capsule (1000mg) and two fish oil (1000mg -- EPA 180mg DHA -- 120mg) I asked my science teacher who has her PHd in nutrition she said the most i should take a day is what im taking. But i dont believe her too be honest i see people who are on this site who are taking 8-10 capsules daily.


2-6 fish oil/day, but buy the flax in liquid form and take 2 tablespoons a day with your protein shakes. Each tablespoon would equal about 12 capsules, so the liquid form is much cheaper. :)
wouldn't even bother with flaxseed oil. its ALA, not EPA and DHA. the body has to (poorly) convert ALA into EPA and DHA. if you just take the fish oil you get more bang for the buck.
take 3 capsules, 3 times a day, with food.
Yeah, i take the flax seed oil for the sole purpose that it helps support the cardiovascular system, and promotes many health benefits. I suppose ill start taking 3 a day as long as your sure its okay for me given my age?
Omega fatty acids are nothing special. taking 10 caps a day is no different than eating a lot of salmon, except you don't get any mercury like you could with salmon.

some people actually manage to eat well enough that they get their omegas without supplements, but it takes dedication.
PhD in nutrition more liek PhD in dumbassery

Seriously. There's no, I repeat NO, good reason why she should even be considering making such a claim. All the evidence points to more fish oil = better. Flax, though, I wouldn't waste time on. It is, at best, a ****ty source of the relevant nutrients. At best.

Basically, what malkore said, with more spite toward your "science teacher", who I sincerely hope dies in a fire, or maybe learns to think "gooder" before passing her ignorance on to others, secure in her "prestigious credentials" and complete lack of interest in developing her knowledge base. -_-

And I don't mean a regular fire. I'm thinkin', grease fire. Guess what kind of grease. XD
wouldn't even bother with flaxseed oil. its ALA, not EPA and DHA. the body has to (poorly) convert ALA into EPA and DHA. if you just take the fish oil you get more bang for the buck.
take 3 capsules, 3 times a day, with food.
You need both - that's why you take both, they perform different functions. Read the book "Fats that heal, Fats that Kill".
You need both - that's why you take both, they perform different functions. Read the book "Fats that heal, Fats that Kill".

if you have the book can you cite some info?

cuz everything i've ever read indicates that fish oil is COMPLETE in its omega fatty acids, with actual EPA and DHA...

while flaxseed is ALA, and has to be converted to EPA and DHA.

and unless the book cites specific, RECENT studies, it may not be accurate.

I could write "All you need is peanut butter to survive" and pay someone to publish it, and people will buy my book and think its the gospel.
and its not!
Well how much can i take at my age. And what improvements will i see while taking fish oil? is it really tha important?
Yep your teachers is a dumb*** :)

It's fine, you probably wont see any visable changes. Microscopically, there will be MANY beneficial changes, which will ultimately and hopefully prolong your life :p