First Tri in less then two weeks, questions.

I've been training since the first week of January for my first Tri and the race is almost here! To be precise it is on May 15.

I have a few questions now that the race is less than 2 weeks away.

1. I have been working out (running, swimming, cycling) 5 or 6 times per week but now I think I should start resting the body so that it is ready for race day. When should be my last workout and how much should I be training now until the day of the race?

2. what should i eat the night before the race? Then, on the day of the race, what should I have for breakfast? The race starts at 7 am but everyone is required to be there between 5:30 and 6am. Also, are there any foods that I should avoid these few days before or others that I should be eating more of to fuel up and be full of energy?

3. One last, but not so important, question... What kind of shorts should a first timer wear? Not entirely sure yet...

Thanks for your help!

I used to do triathlons many years ago in south africa (canoeing/cycling/running)

night before the race, I used to have a plate of spagetti bolognaise ... on the morning of the race, I used to have a bowl of south african cereal called pronutro ... if you cannot find that, a bowl of cooked poridge/oats is also ok .... also have a few ripe bananas

as for shorts, use the ones you train with and are comfortable in

good luck!
It was great! I wasnt looking to break any records :) It was just fun!

It was a sprint distance tri and Im happy to report I didnt ever stop to catch my breath (which i was worried might happen).

Now i want to look for an Olympic distance tri to do by the end of the year or Q1 next year! We'll see how it goes.
