First Time Dieter....I go to my first Weight Watchers meeting tonight....

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New member
Hey Everyone! I'm a first time dieter, and I'm really nervous about it! In July/05 my doctor told me that I was obese, and I was completely shocked!! I am 5'1" and I weigh 155lbs, which puts my BMI just over the "obese" amount! I decided that it is finally time to take some action, and I thought I would find it very helpful to go through the experience with others. Hopefully together, we can all reach our goals!!! I'm here to share my experiences, my successes and failures, and here to help you through yours. Happy 2006 everyone!!
Hi! I'm glad to see that you are taking ahold of your weight before it gets out of control! Thats what happend to me!

Anyways, rosered goes to WW meetings and she really likes it! I'm sure you will too!

oh, and you need to copy and paste the "BBC code" from tickerfactory to get it to work
:eek: I think I changed my ticker correctly! haha I'm new at all this, I don't typically spend much time online at all, but I think this will be really helpful for me!!
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