first time caller, long time listener

hey everyone. Im brand new here. But Ive got some experience with fitness.

I know the wrong way to do things!

Way back when i was 17 I worked out a lot. I mean all the time. But I never did things the right way. I listen to the things people say about lifting now and I find that I always made mistakes the first time around. So apparently I need to learn a bit.

I also fell off the wagon when i decided to find a career (technology). I went from a 34" waist to a much larger waist.

So I need to slim down a bit.

I have begun a diet. I have begun an excersize routine. Now I need to begin a quest for knowledge.

here is what I have so far.

I am eating fruit 6 or so days a week for breakfast. I may have a bagel or eggs on the seventh.

I am eating a light lunch usually involving a sandwich or coffee.

I am eating a normal dinner, usually fish or chicken.

I am working out as of last week. Starting off with 3 days a week.

1 day of legs, 1 of arms and shoulders, 1 day of back and chest.

sit ups every day.

and cardio as much as possible. I am dusting off the bicycle as you read this so I can start biking around the neighborhood. I also make a concious effort to walk atleast 3 miles atleast 1 time every weekend.

So now for the bragging bit.

I have lost atleast 6" on my waist line.
I have lost probably close to 50 pounds.
My breathing (since I am asthmatic) is much improved. As well is my posture and disposition!

I am well on my way back to a 34" waist. No stopping now.

so on to the pre-req questions.

I signed up for a free trial to a health club. I do not want to pay for a trainer. But I do want to know what Im doing.
What excersizes should I start with?
what frequency? Reps? Sets?
Should I wear a weight belt?

Well I guess the most important question is... From what I have said. Am I doing anything wrong? Dieting? Excersizing?

Well, The pies de resistance... some pictures.

I wont show you anything older than a month or so. its just too embarassing.

But here is me from about a month ago.

Thanks all!

see you on the boards :)

First off you need some complex carbs and protein in the mornings. Personally i eat oats and have a whey protein shake. Train 3 to 5 times a week for 45min. If you posted your routine i could get you more suggestions.

Good luck and welcome :)