First Half Marathon

Well, I ran my first half marathon, it was the St. Jude in Memphis, TN. Temperatures at start time were about 32 degrees F. I ran it right at 1 hour and 52 minutes, about a 8:30 pace. I know I could have cracked 1:45 or better, but at about the 11 mile mark, my calves started to cramp from the weather.

Other than that, I am relatively pleased. How did you guys/gals do on your first half?
I understand about the cramping due to weather! I just ran the California International Marathon in Sac and it was 24 degrees at the start! It was a horrible race because of how cold it was
I did my first standalone half marathon on Sunday also, the Brandon Half Marathon. Temps were 39F to start. I finished in 2:11, 10:04/mile.

Nice time!
Congrats to the both of you also! I have been running for a long time, I just don't enter many sanctioned events

g8r80 - I am looking at getting into cycling in the spring, i might have some equipment questions for you about that.
No problem, 03, I'll give you my 2 cents on cycling equipment.