Firming your skin?


New member

I have just been browsing the net for ways to firm skin etc. while losing weight & i have come across a derma roller website.
they also had an external link from youtube:

(link removed)

apperently it helps removing strech marks.

has anyone experienced it? any thoughts?
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That thing is probably just a gimmick to help you spend your money. I would do a healthy amount of research before buying into anything like that.
Hey thanks guys...

Monster: eventually i am giving it a go. hope it works. a very good friend is a beautian-biologyst - we just talked about this recently - she is using it in her salon professionaly and she says it s really working - and she gave me 10 sessions for free for my birthday-christmas hehehe - so i cant lose anything by giving it a go. i just had the first session today.

i have fingers crossed and i hope it works.
btw i dont expect miracles - but i do expect some improvement esp with some toning excercize i planning to do in the coming months.
You can't 'remove' stretch marks. They are like scars, they don't go away. The derma roller thingie can't do anything about them, since it is supposed to improve blood circulation in the skin. Stretch marks are dead scar tissue, essentually, and there is no blood circulation that can beimproved.

That said, that roller thingie will probably improve your skin as such. You can get the same result by regularly massaging your skin with a massage glove, without paying through the nose for it.
Hey San, thanks for your comment.
I dont expect the strech marks to go away. i know it fully well they wont. i only want my skin to tighten up a bit - and the massage thing in itself is not helping.
So i m doing a combo of things.
As for the price -i m lucky - i got it as a pressie - so i pay nothing.