finigenx anybody????

hi i was looking at finigenx by pharmagenx....has anybody tried this substance...does it it dangerous like a real steroid.i havent ever taken steroids and dont ever plan on it.negative side effects?....if anybody had results from this stuff please reply

thank you
This is from there own website...
Finigenx Magnum

"These statements about Finigenx Magnum have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. "

So I'd stay well clear.

Aside from that, in weight training there is no reason to ever spend $48 on 120 tablets of anything. I take protien and creatine, nothing else will help you.
here's the deal: if something that claims to be 'steroid like' or 'hormone like' either doesn't work, or it does work, but its an illegal substance.

5 years ago, that wasn't could get pro-hormones and pro-steroids that actually worked, and had similar potential side effects like gyno, shrunken nuts, etc.

The FDA banned that stuff, claiming they were not 'food supplements' like creatine, but real drugs that they could regulate.

So as a general rule, in the USA, you cannot buy anything legally that actually works. Worse yet, a lot of the legal things out there won't boost testosterone or HGH, but will increase estrogen levels, or just pound your liver into un-health (possibly your kidneys too).

my final comment is that steroids won't do you any good if you haven't come close to your natural 'full potential' well as having diet and training perfect.
To add... Many products dont lie, but they do bend the truth.

I could pick some dirt of my football and eat it then go for a workout and say,
'that was the best workout ever, Must be due to the dirt from my football.

The I start putting it into bottles and saying That
"This is an amazing new thing that really really works, It made my muscles blow up like anything. I take it every day and Ive never had such a great workout!!!!!'

But really its just ball crap.
Yes I did manage to squeeze a joke in there to.
well thanks stickin to natural ****...ive heard that no-explode is a pretty good n02 suplement...has anybody used it...
Those who have used the finigenix product and the finigenix clones have gotten good results *if diet and training are on deck*. There are some good prohormones/prosteroids out there but I think the problem is trainees take these substances and keep an attitude that differentiates them from those that use AAS (anabolic steroids). While the substances are slightly different, you're still tweaking the endocrine system.

I've heard a lot of guys say "I've used superdrol but I'd never touch a steroid." :rolleyes:

Just keep in mind that there are health risks associated with these products that people who take them can not take into consideration because they have convinced themselves they are not taking a steroid. The other problem...which is or isn't a problem depending on how you feel but prohormones have not been studied for long term effects but steroids have=steroids are potentially safer. ;)
well thanks stickin to natural ****...ive heard that no-explode is a pretty good n02 suplement...has anybody used it...

sure, its a great NO2 product...unfortunately, NO2 products do SQUAT to improve performance, lean mass increases, recovery...anything really. All they do is bloat up your muscles for an hour. NO xplode is NO2, expensive creatine, caffine, and flavor...for a hefty price. the only thing useful is the creatine that they over charge you for.
sure, its a great NO2 product...unfortunately, NO2 products do SQUAT to improve performance, lean mass increases, recovery...anything really. All they do is bloat up your muscles for an hour. NO xplode is NO2, expensive creatine, caffine, and flavor...for a hefty price. the only thing useful is the creatine that they over charge you for.

im curious, so what about the claim that nitric oxide as a vasodilator helps promote blood oxygen levels to the muscles thus speeding recovery time?
im curious, so what about the claim that nitric oxide as a vasodilator helps promote blood oxygen levels to the muscles thus speeding recovery time?

Such a small amount of NO makes it through digestion that it's soo minimal if even occuring. It may speed your recovery by 10% (I doubt it's even close to this, prob around 1-2%, but to help prove a point I'll round up by a wee bit)!! Sounds good right? Well if it takes you 48hr to normally recover, it will now take 43.2hr.. You gonna use that? lol.. Pointless.

I'm with evo, these are dangerous. And since they can just pop a pill people don't take into consideration that these are basically REAL steroids. They just have fancy names.
...the claim that nitric oxide as a vasodilator helps promote blood oxygen levels to the muscles thus speeding recovery time...

Statements like these are exactly what the FDA doesn't regulate, and is exactly why they can make the claim.

there's simply no scientific evidence to back it up.
Statements like these are exactly what the FDA doesn't regulate, and is exactly why they can make the claim.

there's simply no scientific evidence to back it up.

very true, kind of scary how so many products can be misleading isnt it? >.<
anyway sorry for the thread hijack

Looks like most of you guys are complete weenies. First off, Finigenx is a real deal supplement. I have used one cycle of the stuff as directed and have gotten amazing results. I'm talking 12 lbs of mass in 3 weeks! In fact, I will be starting another cycle within a couple of weeks b/c I know the stuff works. Two things must have your diet in check and you must realize that some side-effects may be expected. These prohormones are not 100% safe, that's a given. I have also used other prohormones and gotten great results. The days of this belief in creatine as some kind of miracle bodybuilding supplement are over. Creatine has been overshadowed by many other better products and supplements. Compared with other items on the market these days...creatine is archaic at best. And don't get me started on Cellmass, and NO-Xplode...just plain garbage. You guys keep wasting your money and time...and enjoy your smallness. I'll keep doing heavy deads and squats waiting to go pro next year. Later.