Finding a job is hard :(

I'm 18, going to college and stuff, but for the last month I've been trying to get employed, it's hard to even get into entry level jobs without any working experience >< Anyone else having problems finding a job?

Not giving up of course!
What kind of job are you looking for?
I've never had a job before, so I'm just trying to get hired at places like Albertsons, Home Depot, Lowes, etc. Not career stuff, just a job to earn money while I'm in school.
I know a lot of people do it, but I wouldn't go retail. I'd try to get into a service job like serving or something. They tend to pay better. For instance, you can start at resturants as a busser and move up. Just pick up applications from all the top tipping places in your area like Olive Garden, Chiles, (most all steakhouses), etc...
Well there is this Pizza restraunt close by, I was going to apply there next, my dad has known the owner for years so that'll help my chances I think, that and plus they've hired stupid friends of mine in the past, and my train of thought is, if they can do it I can.
Exactly. Don't do retail unless you absolutely have to. The work sucks and you hardly ever get a raise. With a service job like that, you'll get a raise everytime someone rich comes to the table.
Retail jobs do in fact suck, but they have their benefits if you find a decent one. I work in footwear at Dick's, the pay is awful, but the 100 inch ESPN monitor sure isn't. :D

It's virtually a stress free job, easy hours, so I can focus on school more. That's just me though...
Well there is this Pizza restraunt close by, I was going to apply there next, my dad has known the owner for years so that'll help my chances I think, that and plus they've hired stupid friends of mine in the past, and my train of thought is, if they can do it I can.

I am trying to convince my mom to go back to working at the pizzaria I was working at around 2 months ago. I was only able to work for two weeks before she somehow took my job away, but I made around $80 in tips for 12 hours of work a week, and made $6 an hour. So overall I was making a decent paycheck.

You should definitly check out delivery jobs though, very good money in that business.
Retail jobs normally do suck. However, Lowes and Home Depot pay better than most. They offer benefits and stock options at HomeDepot. When I worked there several years back, they started me at $7.50 an hour (which was really good then). Some of them make 12-14 an hour. I would rather be able to count on a specific amount an hour, than to rely on tips, etc which can be shaky.
i have a hard time finding a job..mainly bc of the fact that im a guy and have long hair...youd be suprised how much that keeps me from getting jobs im perfectly qualified for..oh well i turn 18 next month then its time to cut the hair and get a real job..well as real as it gets still being in high school haha
I'm a janitor. Yep, sucks. I only get paid 7 an hour...but it is a secure job were i get no more/less than 10 hours a week. It's a really stress free job and I am the boss over apx. 5-10 other students that are older than me. I only do it for now, during the summer I have a different job. Just get something that you get a good amount of hours and were you don't mind TOO much going to work.

Check Lowes and Home Depot. All kids of people that work there but they're always nice and very helpful, so I guess the people hiring don't mind too much what they look like.

Good luck. :)
Usher at the movie theater. That was my first job and its easy and kinda fun. Cuts into your weekend time though.
when i was 16 i got a retail job,but i just wanted to say if your looking for a job and your still at school try to put it off for as long as possible. enjoy your school days because it wont be long and your out there working a real job with more stress then you could ever have anticipated.
lol i hate ending a post on a downer so heres a joke

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The older they get, the easier they are to pick up.