Finally getting serious about this


New member
Hi there,

I'm glad to have discovered an active board with a section for journals. My weight had been steadily going up the past three years or so. A lot of it is due to diet, but a lack of exercise is another major factor. I used to go to the gym regularly. Now even going for a walk feels like a chore. I started having problems with anxiety and panic attacks. I was in danger of becoming a shut-in and that kept me from exercising. Getting a job is what saved from that.

I've been diagnosed with a fatty liver and the doctor was also worried that I will develop diabetes if I don't lose weight. The final straw was a recent knee injury. It's hard to say how much the weight contributed to it, but it probably did. I still haven't fully recovered from it. I can now walk short distances without a cane. This makes weight loss a bit of challenge, given that I can't exercise much.

The plan is cut back on the carbs. The soft drinks should go, the caffeine is not good for anxiety anyway. And all the stuff with tons of calories and little nutrition. It's not a mystery where that weight came from, which is a good thing. As my knee recovers, I'll add exercise to the toolbox.

I guess that's enough to jump start this. I'm at a point where I know what to do, but it's hard to stay motivated. This is what journaling will hopefully change.
Hi there,


Looks like you’ve done the hard planning work. Now you just need to make a series of small changes to your diet and lifestyle to see the weight come off.

If it helps I have a badly injured right knee and a badly injured left elbow so many types of exercise/resistance training is off limits for me too but you’ll be amazed what you can do still.

Good luck! remember this is a lifestyle change not a race. Hang in there!