Weight-Loss Filling and Fueling foods for lots of activity while on a strict diet??



New member
So I have a lot of weight to lose and need some help with nutritional guidence. I have a strict 1500 calories a day diet and will be exercising at high Intensity quite frequently. Im having trouble figuring out what foods I can and/or should eat that are going to fuel me properly for the amount of activity im going to be doing as well as keeping me semi-content (I know im gonna be hungry for a while lol) and at the same time not go over my 1500 per day.

Thanks for any help and nice to meet everyone--> This is my first post! :waving:
Steffi, I think you should provide us a little more of information.

Are you male or female, what is your weight, height and age? Do you perform any kind of activity or sport? or do you have a sedentary life? have you been working out regularly or are you just getting started? If so, you really shouldn't be looking to start with high intensity. It will only make you frustrated and depressed.

How much weight do you want to lose? how fast? is there any medical condition that we should be aware of? what do you struggle with? (lazy, picky about foods, not much time to work out are examples), what food do you like/dislike? what foods are you willing to try? how much food do you eat? how often? do you eat for any reason other than hungry? (feeling sad or euphoric, bored or frustrated) do you eat mostly at home or go out to eat?
-if at home- who cooks the meals? how much food do they cook? what kinds of food do they cook? do you add much condiments or additives to your food? (salt, oil, mayonnaise, etc?
-if you go out- do you go alone or with people? do you believe you eat more if you go outside? do you believe you eat more if you are with people?

I know, these are a lot of questions, I believe I exaggerated a little, you don't need to answer them all, but if you could answer a fraction of them me and other forum members may be able to provide much more adequate advice.

Where did you got that number? there are ways to do this, but it's not a good nor wise to just pick a number and go with it, there are factors that must be taken into account.

To answer your question, I would suggest start by replacing the carbohydrates you ingest. Replace regular cereal with oatmeal (not instant oatmeal, and make sure it doesn't contain sugar), white rice for brown rice. I would suggest not too much pasta or bread, and of those, look for "healthier" versions. to be honest, it all boils down to calories in vs calories out. You could lose weight eating only cake, but that is not the most optimal nor the most "healthy" way to do it.

Vegetables and meat are also your friends. try to go with a meat low on calories if you want to stay full and eat less. I also highly suggest getting some celery.

Basically, anything with fiber will help you. Don't overdo it, though, too much fiber can cause indigestion.
Some people say that eating nuts will help you feel full, but be careful, nuts have really high calories, as so do other fats (1g of fat = 9 calories)
Sugar is a no-no.

That is what comes to mind now, but I HIGHLY SUGGEST you reconsider that number, if a doctor says so, or if you got to that number following an adequate procedure is ok, but i hope you didn't just pick a random number. Also keep in mind what I said about exercise, If you haven't exercised before or in a while you really shouldn't approach it that way.

You should read the stickies around the forum, they contain useful information that may help you.

I hope I didn't sound rude or harsh, it was not my intention, and if I did I apologize. Good luck and have a good week. :)
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You didnt sound harsh at all! Its very nice to see someone sincerely concerned about someone else in this day and age so thank you:)

Now...answers to the questions! Lol

Here are my stats... female- 24- 5"2- 250lbs

Now that's a lot! However, and this going to be something very contradicting...I am no stranger to high intensity activity. I was an athlete my entire life. I played soccer for about 18 years and I played basketball and volleyball and just a couple years ago I started boxing. I'm use to the gym and the frequents workouts are not a problem for me, however running for a long period of time is. I have pretty bad knees from soccer and arthritis in my right ankle from soccer so it does flare up pretty bad if I'm running for long periods but that doesn't mean I won't push through it...I just have to find some other alternatives some days.

I did get the 1500 in a legit way but again, its nice to see someone caring about someone they've never even met..thank you:)

I believe I got all this weight because of my own bad choices of eating but also depression. a few years ago when I was actually pretty fit and inshape a lot of things happened at once in my life and unfortunatley I did not know how to handle them...so I did not care about what I put into my body and when someone brings up the fact that I used to be such an accomplished athlete it CRUSHES me to know that I did this to myself. Like I said a lot of things all happened at once...a lot of deaths in the family, quitting soccer, my mom moved about 2,000 miles from me, and I got diagnosed with polysystic ovarian syndrome which means I have higher testosterone than normal so I cannot have children and it is harder to take weight off once it goes on because my insulin levels aren't dangerous but they r out of wack...but non the less...I...made these choices. And I am just so focused about doing this and being the person I used to be..healthy and looking like who I want to with confidince.

Now here are my problems;
If I give myself an inch I WILL take a mile so it has to be this extreme and I'm okay with that..I'm ready and so far its not been so bad. I've actually not been that hungry like I thought I was going to be.
BUT my problem is I just don't know what to eat!!
I'm horrible with judgement on food.
I really have been counting calories in everything...gum and condiments included...and yes the only condiment I would say I use is mayo...which I know is not good. I used the light mayo and good Lord its still bad!
Im not sure what I should eat that will fuel these workouts.
I LOVE vegetables but not so much for fruits
I need to drink more water
Not sure what balance I should have of protein and carbs
What foods are high in protein but low in calories...
Like I said I know my sports and I know my workouts...I haven't got a clue on nutrition!! Lol

Thanks so much for your help :)
What is your HIIT look like?

For me, I generally eat a cup of oatmeal and a banana at least one hour before working out while staying hydrated (pee white :leaving:) throughout the day.
I wasn't quite sure about arthritis definitions or effects, all i knew was that it is a joint disease. So, i took the liberty of doing some research on the subject. I expend a fair amount of time researching, but I'm just a person and i can be wrong, too.

There seems to be different kinds of arthritis, but I'm gonna assume you have osteoarthritis, which is commonly referred as "wear and tear".

You had a pretty active past, but have you been doing physical activity lately? How long ago, how much and what kind?
If you haven't or even if you have, you really should get/have clearance from your doctor, and i cannot stress this enough, you should have the appropriate information to make a good and informed decision.

I would advice against anything that includes running or jumping. Running will put a good amount of stress on your knees, especially at your current weight, i know this because I'm just a little heavier than you (115 Kg, 253 lbs according to an online calculator). My humble opinion is that it's definitively not the way to approach this.

Here, and in any other situation, you shouldn't ignore pain. And I'm talking about actual pain, not the normal "burn" of slight soreness because of exercise.
Pain is just the way the body uses to tell the brain that something is WRONG in that area. You shouldn't ignore that.

I don't know if this is viable to your case, but may i suggest swimming? Swimming is a wonderful low Impact activity that will put very little stress on your joints. It can work your whole body and if you do it at the right pace it can provide a good intensity. I know people at our current weight may not feel comfortable on a swimming suit. But please consider it, and -if it is viable for you case- the ways you could make it work.

I also read, but I'm not sure about this, that strength training may help, too. (and no, you don't have to worry about getting bulky, It's not as easy as just moving some weights around)

If you have been doing physical activity lately and have a good aerobic base, then ignore the next paragraph.

-In case you are just starting again, You REALLY shouldn't be trying to do as much as possible, as fast as possible. For the first 2 weeks or so your goal should be to condition your body, gaining resistance and a good aerobic base, all this while resting as needed, to PREPARE your body for what's to come-

If my memory serves right, I think that turkey (skinless) has low calories. Egg whites, also.

This is just my opinion, but please consider it. My main concern was about the exercise, you need to be careful in that area.
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