figuring out my time

is there a way to figure mi run time.

i did my 2mile run today in 15:40 pushing the jogging stroller.

im trying to figure round about where my 1 1/2 is i know my 1st mile was faster than my 2nd like 7:15-7:30

i need my 1 1/2 to be 11:15 or better. if anyone has a way to calculate please let me know. if not iwill be doing amock up of my physical test tomorrow. and see how i do.
if i just simply cut it in half that leaves 7:51 is this safe to say. i mean i could feel my pace was slower towards the end.

although my first mile was closer to 7:20
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Just try it.
If its your 1.5mile run that you need a good score for then thats the distance you should be running.
from what ive heard the best way to improve you 1 1/2 time is to run 3's because you build your endurance. and speed at teh same time.

by the way my 1 1/2 tme was 10:25 today.
Yes you need to train by doing longer runs. but your not talking about training, your talking about working out your time.

Do the 1.5m once a week (as well as normal training) and keep note of your times.